Aluminum with carbon
Hebei Yukuang New Materials Co., Ltd
To be the best supplier and facilitator of steel-making subsidiary materials and aluminum smelters in China .
Calcined petrolem coke enterprises execute the new order, high sulfur coke price cut
Petroleum Coke
Market trading is better, refinery shipments are active
Petroleum coke was traded well today, mainstream prices remained stable, and local refinery shipments were stable. In terms of main business, the production and sales of Sinopec refineries are stable, the downstream support is acceptable, and the inventory is low. The coke price of PetroChina refinery remains stable, and CNOOC refinery has good shipments, and new coke price will be implemented successively. In terms of refineries, Shandong refineries are trading well today, downstream companies are actively replenishing goods, the mood for receiving goods is high, and coke prices continue to rise. Imported petroleum coke has arrived in Hong Kong one after another, but due to the influence of external orders, the price remains high, and traders are reluctant to sell. Refining as a whole pushed up 50-170 yuan / ton. It is expected that the price of new orders for main coke will increase in the near future, and most local coking prices will rise.
Calcined Petroleum Coke
Enterprises implement new order prices, and market transactions are acceptable
Calcined coke is well-traded in the market today, and the price of new orders in the market has been agreed, and the price of medium and high sulfur coke has been adjusted by 40-550 yuan/ton as a whole. The main coke price of raw petroleum coke is partly implemented with the new order price, and the price of local coking continues to rise, with a range of 50-170 yuan/ton, and the support of the cost side is positive. Near the end of the month, the anode prices of downstream enterprises are expected to decline, and most of the new orders for calcined petroleum coke will be lowered. In the short term, the operation of calcined petroleum coke refineries will fluctuate slightly, and the inventory will remain at a low-to-medium level. The overall demand-side support is positive, and it is expected that the price of calcined petroleum coke may be partially lowered in the short term due to the influence of downstream prices.
Prebaked Anode
The price of new orders is expected to drop, and the market is trading well
The market transaction of prebaked anodes is stable today, and the price of anodes remains stable within the month. The price of some new orders for raw petroleum coke, the main coke price, has risen, and the local coking price has continued to rise, with an adjustment range of 50-170 yuan/ton. The coal tar pitch market is mostly on the sidelines, and the cost side is well supported in the short term; Mainly down. The operating rate of anode enterprises is high and stable, the market supply has not fluctuated for the time being, the inventory of refineries is low, the spot aluminum price fluctuates and pulls back, social inventories accumulate, terminal enterprises resume work one after another, and the demand side supports better. Affected by the continuous decline of raw materials in the early stage, it is expected that the price of anodes will remain stable within the month, and the price of new orders may still decline.
The transaction price of the prebaked anode market is 6225-6725 yuan/ton including tax at the low end, and 6625-7125 yuan/ton at the high end.