Altrua: A Possible Alternative to Expensive Individual Renewal Rates

Altrua: A Possible Alternative to Expensive Individual Renewal Rates

The individual market continues to be plagued by high rate increases. As we move through this year's OEP, we are quickly learning that in 2017, many individual under-65 clients will simply not be able to afford their increased premiums. It's more important now than ever before to offer your clients different options that not only save them money, but also provide them with quality coverage. 


Why Choose Altrua?

Altrua HealthShare is a great option for healthy individual under-65 clients that cannot afford traditional ACA coverage. It is important to note:

  • Altrua is ACA-compliant, meaning members will not have to pay an increased tax for not having creditable coverage.
  • Altrua is about one-third the cost of under-65 plans in 2017.
  • Altrua offers competitive commissions and is available to sell year round. 

While Altrua is not considered health insurance, the membership experience is similar with network providers who are reimbursed directly from Altrua. 

If you would like more information on Altrua, feel free to let me know! I would be happy to help!


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