Altitude Group

Altitude Group

The Altitude Group is a product of more than 20 years involvement in the Human Resource industry, with specific focus on Persons with Disabilities and the sustainable employment of Person with Disabilities in South Africa. The Group has contributed hugely to the employment equity and broad-based black economic empowerment (BBBEE) objectives of the country. The Altitude Group consists of four companies, all with their own unique service offering and, in this regard, we see ourselves as the market leader.

According to Stats SA census, the national disability prevalence rate is 7.5% in South Africa and of this percentage, Black Africans and females make up the highest proportions of Persons with Disabilities. Currently, Stats SA indicated an estimate of 60.6 million people living in South Africa and over 4.5 million are disabled, and of that percentage, only 1% of the total workforce in both government and private companies are people living with a disability.

We believe Persons with Disabilities have not had private companies focusing primarily on employing them, and for them to have a Group such as ours to source and employ them, has made a major difference in the disability industry, changing the thinking around integrating People with Disabilities into the work environment.

Our philosophy lies in the harnessing of each employee’s strengths and matching those strengths with the inherent requirements of the job. In this way you achieve a very successful placement. We endeavor to employ a Person with Disabilities in every possible position that becomes available. We have an intricate understanding of employment of Persons with Disabilities, and we have an incredible resource available to us in terms of occupational therapists and specialists in the field that will work within our group to provide a fully-fledged service in terms of sustainable employment of Persons with Disabilities.


