Is there an alternative to classic cost reduction?
Paul Sanders
How much cash and profit is being left on the table because initiatives and projects are not delivering the forecasted benefit. Invest 10 minutes and reach out to Paul
Once again optimising working capital, cost and pricing are back on the agenda. These are core drivers of shareholder value, especially when revenues and margins may be under pressure….
For many, cash has always been a priority. However, with access to debt and equity markets increasingly tough, cash is receiving additional attention.? Irrespective of the financial health or trading outlook of the company, the benefits of prudent cash management and cost reduction are obvious. Many CFOs and corporate treasurers know how to manage their cash.? Most will consider squeezing working capital, optimising tax policies or liaising with lenders to increase the flexibility of their financing arrangements, but a focus on pricing and the total value chain can get overlooked. In-house experience is often limited and not able to put pressure on all of these levers at once. Unstable markets make traditional methodologies harder to apply. The knock-on consequences can be significant if not recognised at the beginning.? This means that money is literally left on the table.
Some pointers, that from experience are key to preventing this from happening:
An Initiative that underdelivers should be identified ASAP and course corrected.