ALSHARIF GROUP, Bahrain Moves 7 x 67-Ton Autoclaves

ALSHARIF GROUP, Bahrain Moves 7 x 67-Ton Autoclaves

Alsharif Groupis one of the most reputable shipping agencies in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Our current success results from over 129 years of dedication by our founders and a talented pool of employees. We recently handled below autoclave shipment.

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Cargo: 7 Units - Autoclaves

Dimension: 40L x 3.5W x 3.373H m - each

Weight: 66.67 mt - each

Duration : 21st Aug to 30th Aug 2020

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Our scope:

- Receiving under break bulk vessel and transport to port storage

- Offload on stools

- Transportation to Clients location / site

- Offload on ground using suitable crane & manpower


- Alsharif Group (ASG) was appointed by Client to receive the cargo from break bulk vessel and deliver to their premises.

- On 21st Aug, 1 x1 8 Axle Hydraulic trailer was mobilized to receive all 7 units in sequence and ASG support stillage (beams & stools) were placed to jack down the Autoclaves.

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- All Pieces were received & transported to storage in a single day without any delay on Vessel`s operation.

- Upon Customs clearance & inspection is completed, ASG had arranged 2 x 18 2F Axle Hydraulic trailers to transport the units & delivery completed in consecutive days to minimize port storage charges.

- Stools were provided again at the offloading site to minimize the cost of additional handling.

- At the final day, when the last unit arrived at site, 2 x 250-ton cranes were mobilized and all units were offloaded to ground.

The total job was executed with zero delays and damages, and specifically with utmost satisfaction of the Customer. Customer was extremely satisfied with the cost reduction we had accomplished by reducing additional handling on multiple days.

Contact: Madushan Fernando <[email protected]>

Read more cases:

Amin Memon Usman

Trader | Shipping | Logistics I

3 年



Congrats ??

John Jiang


3 年

great, this cargo was handled by us from the supplier in Changzhou to Baraih port, btw, 90 % of autocalves export from China to worldwide are handled by us, we are quite family with this commodity, if u need any assistances in China, we are pleasure to help u here.


上海博陆物流工程物流分公司 上海博陆物流工程物流分公司

3 年

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