Alphabet Soup: An "A to Z" of traits for becoming a luminescent "All-star" Realtor in Zimbabwe:
A: Ascertain whom you're dealing with, always.
A: Anticipate. Aim [as much as possible] to never be on the backfoot (see Proverbs 22vs3; 27vs12).
B: Be circumspect. "Be sober, be vigilant..."(1 Peter 5vs8; New King James)
C: Check everything. Twice if you have to. "Test all things; hold fast what is good. Abstain from all forms of evil."(1 Thessalonians 5vs21-22; New King James)
D: Due diligence is your [best] friend in this industry. Yes, " shall inquire, search out, and ask diligently..."(Deuteronomy 13vs14; New King James)
E: Excellence of execution in ethics and everything else of importance. Remember,? "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might..."(Ecclesiastes 9vs10; New King James)
F: Follow up on all serious leads.
G: Get things done.
G: Golden rule = Give the service you would like to get (shout out to Matthew 7vs12)
H: Honorable conduct & dealings serve you well in the long-run (see Proverbs 3vs3-4). I: Invest in yourself, always. "Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser; teach a just man, and he will increase in learning."(Proverbs 9vs9; New King James)
I: Investigate impressions, always. Impressions are merely beliefs. Facts are what hold water. "The simple believes every word, but the prudent considers well his steps."(Proverbs 14vs15; New King James)
J: Just do it. Jump into action. Do now, perfect later. Perfectionism is the enemy. Progress is the aim. Improve and iterate incessantly. "Farmers who wait for perfect weather never plant. If they watch every cloud, they never harvest."(Ecclesiastes 11vs4; New Living Translation)
K: Know your client(s) [KYC] [natural & juristic]...especially when on the cusp of closing deals.
K: Keep your finger on the pulse (in terms of legislation & industry trends).
L: Looks may be deceiving; ergo, learn to give things a second look (e.g. narratives, impressions, proof of funds, etc).
L: Legislation (primary & secondary) is your friend. Legislation tells you stuff others don't, and keeps you safe when others won't. Whilst others are popping pills and downing drinks, do the smart thing and crack open that can never over-dose on it, plus, it helps you get your "Act" together (pun-intended).
M: Money; never leave any of it on the table. As long as one is working conscientiously - fulfilling statutory obligations - just enrichment is in order. In God we trust & in business we pay. "For the Scripture says, 'You shall not muzzle an ox while it treads out the grain,' and, 'The laborer is worthy of his wages.'"(1 Timothy 5vs18; New King James) ?
Inter-alia, know sections 2 & 62 of the Estates Agents Act [Chapter 27:17] as well as SI (statutory instrument) 89 of 2016 like the palms of your hands, as they will keep you from being a mere pawn, a useful idiot, or a runner of fools' errands.
N: Noble intent, always. Nefarious intent? Never. "Now the purpose of the commandment is love from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from sincere faith...To the pure all things are pure, but to those who are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure; but even their mind and conscience are defiled."(1 Timothy 1vs5 & Titus 1vs15; New King James)
O: Offer viable alternatives & solutions as much as possible. Be a "solutions hound."
P: Planning and preparation. Aim to always be a step ahead. “The plans of the diligent lead surely to plenty...”(Proverbs 21vs5; New King James)
Q: Question everything (from a posture of good faith & curiosity); it is a prophylaxis against complacency, naivete, as well as the wiles of would-be-deceivers.
R: Referrals. Ask for them always. A referral is a type of loan. Referrals are basically loans of rapport (i.e trust, respect, a good name) which the referrer has advanced for your sake. If such a loan leads to the closure of business of some sort, please don't forget to appreciate the referrer. Never take referrals & referrers for granted, as you only do so to your detriment & peril.
R: Reputation? Garner and guard it with all you have..."A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, loving favor rather than silver and gold ."(Prov 22vs1; New King James). Realtors live and die by their reputation.
R: Revenue? Leave none of it on the table (yes, it's been said twice, as it's a big deal). "A feast is made for laughter, and wine makes merry; but money answers everything."(Ecclesiastes 10vs19; New King James)
S: Stage homes superlatively. "Wisdom has built her house..."(Proverbs 9vs1; New King James)
S: Special treatment? Don't give it to anyone, especially when closing business/sealing deals. Stick to procedure, strictly, always. Caveats on a deed of transfer? Make sure they're attended to & lifted prior to transacting. Suspensive conditions on an agreement of sale or an agreement of lease? Make sure what is agreed upon is adhered to. It is noble to always adhere to the rules of the game in question, and yes, " is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness."(Matthew 3vs15; New King James)
Just as a soccer referee worth their salt brooks no nonsense from a player on the pitch, regardless of whether they're an ultra-high-networth individual or centi-millionaire; so too, don't be intimidated by the stature of any party coming into a transaction. Play by the rules. Follow procedure. You're the referee. No rent-seekers allowed. Period.
T: Town-planning (commonly referred to as spatial planning nowadays) is the metaphorical "Genesis" (i.e. think approved layout plans, various permits, etc) and "Revelation (the "making of all things new"; i.e. think of master plans, local development plans, zoning, etc...) of real estate. Be au fait with basic spatial planning law. The Regional, Town & Country Planning Act (Chapter 29:12) is mandatory reading for every serious realtor in Zimbabwe. End of story.
U: Update client(s) every significant step of the way when closing a sale or alienation of some interest.
V: Virtue in everything. Verify everything. Vivacity in everything.
W: Worth? Know it, hone it & own it. You can bring an element of value to the dance.
W: Walk away from time-wasters & cast away rent-seekers. Give them the red card & show them the door. Do not put up with bullies, psychopaths & exploiters (see 2 Corinthians 11vs19-21). No one deserves to trifle with your time; it is a precious commodity (see Psalm 90vs12). No one should be a parasite, and no one deserves to be a host.
W: Walk away from morally compromising scenarios..."Shun immorality."(1 Corinthians 6vs18; Revised Standard Version)
X: Examine and evaluate what is working & what is not; double down, pivot or lean into the former.
Y: Yearn for self-improvement and refinement.
Y: Yesterday? Learn from it.
Z: Zealously uphold professional ethics.
Z: Zoning regulations affecting the immovable property in question? Know them.
Go ye forth, and be a realtor of note in Zimbabwe.
Tatenda Kangwende is proud & honored to be a real estate professional in Zimbabwe. For serious business, contact him via:
Mobile (GSM calls, SMS, WhatsApp): +263 714 729 043
Email: [email protected]