The Alphabet Soup to Success Pt. 1
ABC's of life and what is important to pay attention to with these different words that matter to me

The Alphabet Soup to Success Pt. 1

A - Attitude: The way that you feel about things is essential. Look at the glass half full and make sure to seek out the good in things.

B - Balance: Find wholeness in life through work, life, family, and friends. Follow the adage of “work hard play hard”. Make sure you find time to rest and recover and most importantly, surround yourself with people who support you and make you feel good about yourself.??

C - Confidence: It’s ok to be your own biggest fan. If there is one person to prove it to, it is you. Be you, be strong and courageous, and be proud of who you are. Motivate yourself to reach ever-higher goals.

D - Determination: Just because it doesn’t work the first time, don’t give up. Learn from your successes and failures and use the results to keep improving. If one door closes, try another. The road may not always be smooth but, you will begin to see positive results as you achieve many of the goals you set for yourself.

E - Empathetic: Everyone has things going on in life. You never know what someone is going through, so lead with compassion and care for that person and show that you care. That may mean listening, offering advice, giving space or, just being there with a hug and a smile to comfort someone.?

F - Fair: Provide an even playing field for each individual. Give people the benefit of the doubt and listen to their point of view. It is not your job to make people think like you but, to let them know your own experiences and how they helped to shape your positions. Then listen to theirs with an open mind.

G - Give: It is more important to be a provider and to give back to the world than to take more than you need. Make it your mission to leave the world in a better place than you found it. Whether it is giving your time, wisdom, money, etc. always plan to try to help others without the expectation of return. Be humble and thankful for being in a position to be able to do for others and that in itself, is the reward.??

H - Habitual:? Get in the mindset of doing beneficial things at a consistent rate and routine. Whether it be going to the gym, eating right, being timely, communicating with others, etc. Being consistent in a positive way will reduce the stresses we all face.?

I - Imaginative: Never forget to think like you did as a kid wanting to be an astronaut or a chef. Imagine and believe that all things are possible. The only thing stopping you is not being creative and focused on the pathway to get there.?

J - Joyful: Be positive and have a smile on your face. Make others want to be around you and spread a warm energy and it will be reciprocated to you. Take happiness and look at things as not “have to,” but “get to”.

K - Knowledgeable: Partaking with others in the “free” exchange of information and ideas regarding a wide range of topics. This will educate you in many ways.? It will make you a passionate speaker, a good listener, and overall, a more well-rounded person as you gain unique perspectives.?

L - Laugh: Simply put, have fun and be light-hearted, and allow yourself to smile and be happy. You don't always have to be serious and guided. Sometimes you can be carefree, happy and just plain silly. It is said that laughter reduces stress and adds years to your life!? Try it.

M - Magnetic: People are attracted to those who create a level of good energy around them. Be someone that draws people to you in a positive way. Exude characteristics that you would want others to emulate and with that, life gets better for the people in your orbit.

Stacy Ennis

President at Path to Inclusion Advocate, DSP and MBA

11 个月

Such a catchy this blog I think u gave some great lessons and insight. ??


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