About Alpha Mind Workshop
IBIS Bangalore, I went to the place and asked about meeting, which meeting sir, Mind Workshop, oh Dr. Ushy Mohandas? Its in eighth floor sir, meeting number 2. When I entered to my surprise meeting started already. Then I realized I was 3 minutes late to the meeting. I know Dr. Ushy Mohandas from year of 2016, when we planned our club milestone meeting, our Founding Father, Muralidhara Kempasagara, suggested name of Dr. Ushy Mohandas as chief guest. Then name went like forest fire, everyone started talking about Dr. Ushy Mohandas. Then I started searching from my University records (Google University) lot of messages about her, pages, websites, Youtube videos, wow, she is an inspirational speaker, life coach, Doctor, founder of Wisdom Works, TEDx speaker, Keynote speaker, Debating in TV channels, what not…
I don’t know how many hats this person must wear on daily basis. One day Murali sir, told me Dr. Ushy Mohandas giving sessions on Meditation. One thing I admired about these sessions are, she has 30 years of research behind the Mind workshop. Every time I had reasons and challenges for not attending the session and this time, there are so-many reasons and challenges even though I want to participate this session because I thought something my mind is craving for years. At school days, one of our teacher, taught us the meditation for improving concentration, later those years, I use to struggle with the meditation techniques. I left those meditation techniques, later I come to know those are for elders and some of the senses might not grow at young age, we need a proper guru to know about this technique, which technique will suitable for us, or which one we need to ignore, how to handle the stress, anxiety and nerves through meditation. For me Dr. Ushy mastered the craft of meditation extremely well. Level knowledge she possesses, she went through all conventional and unconventional methods of meditation, importantly scientifically and helping people to know more about themselves. I know meditation is wonderful thing, I didn’t practice for years. I need an ice-breaker here, I thought her session will help me to cleanse and rejuvenate my mind.
In the session there are easy doing exercises to make our body to free from stiffness, then we went into meditation. On first meditation, to make our sensory organs to work, we felt the lemon, which kept under our chair, that sushi ball exercise, helped us to vent out our anger, nerves, anxiety and stress. Meditation run through music and Dr. Ushy Mohandas was giving steps, to help our conscious to move from one place to another. From scalp to nose, lips, cheeks, neck, abdomen, right and left thigh finally toes, I still feel the tickling I had with my back brain and shoulder. Even I felt sudden jerk and through the session, I want to hold the candle & I need to see that light in middle of my forehead. Initially nothing came up, suddenly I felt large fire burning on my forehead., I even felt headache, but guidance provided me to open the eyes, see the candle in and out & close the eyes. Thankfully I felt the light on my forehead, which helped me in throughout session. I know it’s been approximately 20 years I left meditation. It’s an eye-opener for me, you can laugh, smile, its ok to cry, tell your feelings which in turn Dr. Ushy Mohandas was helping with her wonderful techniques in the session. I just told you the part of ice from the huge ice-berg, lot more exciting, new experience, reality of your senses I came to know from the Alpha Mind workshop, conducted by Dr. Ushy Mohandas.
- To know more or to attend these sessions, follow her,
- FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/DrUshysWisdomWorks/
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMhzKALp6b2LD9CJiRCXxqw
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ushymohandas/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/UshyMohanDas
- Website: www.ushymohandas.com