Gagan Malhotra
Market Entry Strategist | Global Sourcing & Business Solutions | Expert in Perfumes, Footwear, Fashion, Licensing, E-commerce | Driving Growth, Profitability & Building International Partnerships.
Some time is better to be ordinary with moralities and qualities with few friends but real ones, than to be on top on very high position with many friends that need your power and are fake friends.
They stay with you till you fall, than you can forget them.SS to be on top is mostly be lonely without knowing real love.
Chasing love but not really find it.With the figure in my sculpture; alone at the top I try to express it's situation of looking for power and strength which he will never find only it is possible to find it ,in real love.
So on top you are Powerful but inside never satisfied. Newer this power is real power You need more and more to climb to the top look for more power but never find the real power .The figure here is not stable on his rock he is a slightly deviated in a position that shows that always he may fall ,always alone, far from real ordinary people that all they need is love .