Aloe Vera Blooming in ageing nutrition
Healthier by nature: Reformulate your products with aloevera gel as carrier or excipient
The herbs and botanicals market, as it applies to the dietary supplement, self-medication and functional food segments, is driven by consumer demographics and health concerns. Broadly speaking, these trends include anti-aging, weight control, joint and bone health, digestion/ immunity, cardiovascular health/ diabetes, cognition/memory, female/ male health and the growing wellness and beauty trends. Another trend benefiting the herbs and botanicals market is the natural and exotic ingredients trend, which is taking off in functional foods, as well as medicinal products. With the continued sedentary and hectic lifestyles of industrialized regions of the world and the relative increase of the senior segment of the world population, these trends are expected to grow. Despite numerous issues facing the market, herbs and botanicals are set to experience the fastest growth of any of the nutraceutical categories. Herb and botanical sales continue to increase worldwide. In fact, naturally derived herbal and botanical extracts will experience some of the fastest growth among the major nutraceutical ingredient groups
Give a boost of your sales launching new line natural and healthy beverages
At the same time, consumer education about the functional benefits of herbs and botanicals is increasing. Together with increased confidence due to solid science behind the products, market entry for new ingredients is becoming easier
Future Outlook
The herbs and botanicals markets around the world are still far from realizing their full potential. And market expansion, particularly in the functional food and self-medication sectors, is dependent on consumer education. In herbals, as in everything else, if consumers do not understand the benefit of a product, they will not buy it. New ingredients and new benefits for known ingredients are still being discovered, a sign that the full potential of the market has not yet been realized. Looking at the individual market segments.
Aloe Vera Blooming in ageing care
Given its exponentially growing demand and uses for various applications, aloe vera presents a fine opportunity among medicinal plants. Now prized for its soothing, moisturizing and healing properties, today’s market is strong and the future is bright. More people are learning about the benefits of aloe as a nutraceutical and you can see in your own market, more new supplements and drinks containing aloe hitting the market. Be part of this growing market. Marketer your products as premium formulating with aloe vera as carrier. Take the advantage of physiological rewards has aloe vera worldwide. Aloe Vera is the primary ingredient In food items with health benefits or combined with other ingredients as vitamins, supplements, herbs and homeopathic as carrier
The growing consumer demand and product development advancements.
Consumer are more aware to buy functional foods, drinks and supplements to give benefit to their appearance, as well as to provide energy and added nutrition to handle health issues such as cholesterol and diabetes and also of natural short- and long-term health enhancing benefits of using Aloe in such popular products as fruit juices, health bars, meal replacement drinks, soy and dairy milk, yogurt and yogurt drinks, sparkling beverages, enhanced waters, children’s formulas and sports and energy drinks. Functional food , beverages, nutraceuticals pills, and several delivery system provides outstanding nutritional health benefits in an everyday food/drink format that consumers find convenient and easy to add to their daily health regimen.
What’s behind this growth?
There are five important factors driving an increased interest in healthy living and the various products associated with it.
An aging population
Much has been made of the way that the aging of baby boomers will transform the U.S. economy. Their sheer numbers will shift spending in healthcare and realign markets, creating considerable new opportunities. The phenomenon is already visible in the vitamin and dietary supplement business, where purchases have grown by 6 percent annually from 2007-2012, much of this coming from eye, bone and joint supplements. As of 2012, consumers 65 and older accounted for 36 percent of U.S. VMHS sales, a trend that is expected to continue for the foreseeable future The human population is ageing at a truly stunning pace. Within 35 years, there will be more people alive older than 60 than there are people younger than 15. By the 2050s, well over one-third of the adult populations of Spain, Germany, Japan, Italy, and Russia will be older than 60. For the rest of the 21st century, the fastest-growing consumer group in the world will be people over the age of 60.
Consumer goods industries have a huge and rapidly increasing opportunity to provide ageing consumers with the appropriate goods and services that serve their needs and expectations. Human longevity is increasing across the globe, in industrialized and also developing nations, bringing the population of people older than 60 to nearly 1 billion. Consumer goods industries have a huge and rapidly increasing opportunity to provide these people with the appropriate goods and services that serve their needs and expectations.
This demographic tendency is identified by five major trends:
? Birth rates are falling.
? People are living longer.
? People are staying healthy longer.
? People are wealthier
? People are working longer.
According to their research, life spans have been increasing 1.4 years every decade. For instance, in 1997, the average lifespan was 76.5 years; in 2007 it increased to 77.9 years. In order to sustain this growth though, it is imperative that supplement manufacturers and retailers educate seniors on how nutrition can help those lead productive, independent and comfortable lives for many more years to come.
Need for Nutritional Awareness among the Elderly
The baby boomer generation is retiring, developing health ailments and becoming empty nesters, all of which is changing how they (should) eat and drink. While a slower metabolism and lower energy requirements might mean eating less, lower absorption and utilization of nutrients might actually mean nutrient requirements (particularly as a function of body mass) may increase. As a group, the boomer generation is still large and outsized compared with other generations. They're a lively segment, and their life expectancy is higher today than it was for earlier generations. Many pay a lot of attention to foods high in nutrients and low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium.
While some boomers admit they're unhealthy, many try to fend off aging and understand that a healthy diet extends the active years. They are more accepting of fortification and functional foods and look for products providing them to help stay healthier and active. Eating a balanced diet is important at any age, but seniors may have a more difficult time due to physical difficulties or health concerns. For instance, arthritis can make it difficult to cook or go out. There are all kinds of reasons ranging from dental problems, financial burdens to side effects from medication which inhibit the elderly from getting the nutritional intake they need. Seniors represent the single-biggest opportunity for functional and nutraceutical companies. Younger seniors between the ages of 50 and 60 are more likely to turn to joint health ingredients to keep their joints healthy. Those in the 70+ age group are more likely to turn to nutraceuticals that help maintain lean muscle.
Seniors may well live into their 80s. This new age group is creating greater demand for cognitive and bone health products, but most resist nutritional interventions because they lack knowledge about nutraceuticals and their positive impact on health. Innovations in formulations are necessary, but a major priority for supplement business owners is to create nutritional awareness among the elderly.
Aloe Vera is wellbeing and vitality
Factors such as increasing trend of consumers towards healthy lifestyle, coupled with increased usage of Aloe Vera extracts as an ingredient on food, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries are showing a global market growth. Aloe Vera is packed with vitamins, minerals, polysaccharides, phytosterols, antioxidants and amino acids, this one plant is as effective for internal concerns as external ones, as relevant to the athlete as to the aging adult, and as popular f or looking better as for feeling better. Aloe Vera, it is extremely nutritious and safe to eat and eventual consumption as a beverage or juice or externally in hair or body. Due to the large amounts, minerals, antioxidants to help fight and vitamins is the perfect dietary supplement, and because of the antibacterial and antifungal properties can also be used to restore the microflora in the digestive tract, liver and spleen cleaning and restoring the immune system. Currently, the new trend on Aloe Vera Global Market is using the Aloe for Nutraceuticals as a vehicle for other functional ingredients enhancing their bioavailability instead of using other carriers that will not contribute
Healthier by nature: Reformulate your products with aloe as carrier
Take Aloe Vera vehicle in your nutraceutical formula and offer additional health benefits. Whether you′re interested in formulating therapeutic nutraceutical, capsules or tablet preparations, or innovative refreshing Aloe drink with Aloe bits, or cosmetics that turn back the clock, Aloe is your ingredient of choice and AMB Wellness is your supplier. Regarding wellbeing, however, the new great opportunity is an offer micro and macro nutrients which is the utilization of natural food complexes (no single chemicals) to maintain human health. Aloe contains macro and micro-nutrients such as water, carbohydrates, proteins, lipids/fats, vitamins, minerals, trace minerals and electrolytes, enzymes, and accessory nutrients such phenolics and antioxidants, support a healthy life in humans and in animals. Studies show that adequate dietary macro- and micro-nutrient intake promotes health and wellbeing and slows the onset and progression of disease. However, most diets are deficient in these important nutrients due to their general lack of convenient availability in preferable forms.
Improve the nutritional quality of your target customers
Aloe nutrient delivery system- The nutritional health and well-being of humans are entirely dependent on plant foods either directly or indirectly when plants are consumed by animals. Plant foods provide almost all essential vitamins and minerals and a number of other health-promoting phytochemicals. Humans require a diverse, well-balanced diet containing a complex mixture of both macronutrients and micronutrients in order appearance. Macronutrients—carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins (amino acids) — make up the bulk of foodstuff and are used primarily as an energy supply. Micronutrients are organic or inorganic compounds present in small amounts and are not used for energy, but are nonetheless needed for good health.
Essential micronutrients in the human diet include 17 minerals and 13 vitamins and are required at minimum levels to alleviate nutritional disorders, Aloe Vera has it!. Nonessential micronutrients encompass a vast group of unique organic phytochemicals that are not strictly required in the diet, but when present at sufficient levels are linked to the promotion of good health. Most everyone understands the concept of a catalyst, which is that the presence of one element facilitates a good chemical reaction but remains unchanged. Within Nature, numerous complexes of chemicals such as phytonutrients exist that assist numerous chemical reactions to take place in the body that do not take place when the individual molecules are isolated from each other. Aloe is nutrient dense, meaning they contain a broad-spectrum of synergistic concentrated beneficial macro and micro nutrients that help or enhance the body's abilities to generate healthy cells and maintain optimum operacional performance. Aloe is the solution to Regain and Retain Good Health for your customers- Whether you′re interested in formulating therapeutic nutraceutical formulations, innovative functional beverages, or cosmetics.
Aloe Vera acts as a physiological and bio-enhancer carrier for many active biological agents
When you get Aloe Vera shots you are drinking small doses of bioactive ingredients , such as vitamins, minerals, aminoacids, enzymes, proteins, organic acids, essential fatty acids, polysaccharides, lignins, saponins , chromones, all of them GOOD for your client’s health. This helps their body day by day, to get nutrition for your cell and body systems, acts synergistic way.
Nutrition is key, and a diet rich in nutrients, micronutrients, and antioxidants maintains the body’s ability to fight disease and repair itself. Aloe Vera makes a great addition to a healthy diet/defense regimen and has the added bonus of easing cold and flu symptoms and speeding recovery. Nutrients are a chemical substance that comes from the foods you eat. The energy you need for the metabolic processes in your body and for maintaining a constant internal environment comes from these nutrients. So if you think about all the basic reactions going on in your body to keep you breathing, your heart beating, your brain working and allowing you to move about, they all derive their energy from nutrients. The nutraceutical and functional food industries endeavors to develop novel delivery systems which require excipients that fulfil specific functions. Excipients from renewable sources are attractive due to their sustainable mass production. Aloe Vera has the best relatively good powder flow and it improved the powder flow properties of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose and carbopol when mixed with these polymers. You can add functional ingredients and improve and boos t the effectiveness of your formula, you can even use liquid forms to add to your ingredients or additives.
Aloe Vera improves the availability of nutrients in combination with other products
As the dietary supplement industry is registering steady and rapid growth, consumers are demanding quality supplements. Consumer perception of the quality of oral solid dosage forms is changing. Good quality is associated with the ability to disintegrate and dissolve. Performance characteristics of oral solid dosage forms in public standards will address the in vitro dissolution requirements, which will be presented as they relate to multivitamin-mineral combination products. The commonly accepted definition of bioavailability is the proportion of the nutrient that is digested, absorbed and metabolized through normal pathways. Consequently, it is not enough to know how much of a nutrient is present in a dietary supplement; the more important issue is how much of that present is bioavailable. A common belief regarding bioavailability of dietary supplements is that they have to be in solution to be absorbed in the body.
Aloe as a bioavailability enhancer
Aloe Vera is a very promising future nutritional Bio-enhancer. Aloe Vera Powder has shown to increase the solubility of water-insoluble drugs. The concentration of Aloe Vera is directly proportional to the drug release; Aloe Vera can be used as a bioavailability enhancer. Bioavailability enhancers are drug facilitators, they are the molecules which by themselves do not show typical drug activity but when used in combination they enhance the activity of drug molecule in several ways including increasing bioavailability of the drug across the membrane, potentiating the drug molecule by conformational interaction, acting as receptors for drug mol ecule and mak ing target cells more receptive to drugs. A ‘bioenhancer’ is an agent capable of enhancing bioavailability and bioefficacy of a particular drug with which it is combined, without any typical pharmacological activity of its own at the dose used. These are also termed as ‘absorption enhancers’ which are functional excipients included in formulations to improve the absorption of a pharmacologically active drug. Nutritional bio-enhancers enhance absorption by acting on gastrointestinal tract. Antimicrobial bio-enhancers mostly act on drug metabolism processes. Bioenhancers One possible way to reduce this drug dosage and toxicity is to increase the drug bioavailability; the rate at which a therapeutically active substance enters the systemic circulation and becomes available at the required site of action.
Aloe Vera Consumption Increases Vitamin Bioavailability
Recent research, sponsored by the International Aloe Science Council (IASC), concluded Aloe Vera increases levels of vitamins C and E in the bloodstream by more than 200 percent when consumed. The study also concluded Aloe Vera can enhance the bioavailability of both water and fat-soluble vitamins, and has a natural time-release effect (vitamin levels were found to remain elevated for 24 hours, according to the study). Like Aloe, vitamins C and E are known to be powerful antioxidants that boost immune system function, promote skin health, and protect cardiovascular health. The bioavailability research has created a landmark event and major turning point for the functional food and nutraceutical industry as these companies realize the benefits of incorporating Aloe into their products containing vitamins C and E. By adding Aloe Vera to these and other supplement products, we are delivering to discerning consumers highly synergistic and superior products that allow them to gain maximum benefits from their supplements.
Aloe Vera and TEER
The nutraceutical and functional nutraceutical industries endeavours to develop novel delivery systems which require excipients that fulfil specific functions. Excipients from renewable sources are attractive due to their sustainable mass production. Aloe Vera Gel in matrix systems showed good swelling properties due to Aloe Vera Gel Polysaccharide component has an excellent potential to be use as an excipient in the formulation of direct compressible sustained-release matrix type tablets. You can add bioactives ingredients to improve and boost the effectiveness of your formula, you can even use liquid forms to add into your products.
Aloe Vera Mucilage as Solubility Enhancer in Tablet Formulation (as an excipient in sustained release (SR) pharmaceutical dosage forms
Many of the health benefits associated with Aloe Vera have been attributed to the polysaccharide contained in the gel of the leaves. On the other hand, the important pharmaceutical applications such as the use of the dried Aloe Vera gel powder as an excipient in sustained release (SR) pharmaceutical dosage forms. Some study develope a water insoluble compound into a sustained release matrix tablets and the influence of Aloe Vera gel powder in the dissolution and other physical properties of the SR matrix tablets were assessed. The HPMC and ethyl cellulose were used as polymer and different concentration of Aloe Vera gel powder used as dissolution enhancer. Sustained release matrix tablets were formulated by direct compression method and subjected to various quality control studies as per the official pharmacopeial standards. The developed tablet formulation complies with the monograph. The results suggest that Aloe Vera is improved the dissolution of curcumin. Dissolution kinetics suggests that all the formulation followed Korsemayer Peppas model via anomalous diffusion mechanism. To conclude the Aloe Vera gel powder can be used as dissolution enhancer for improving the drug absorption of water insoluble drugs. The prepared SR matrix tablets with Aloe Vera showed an initial burst release followed by a sustained release pattern. The developed formulation is compared with the formulations prepared with piperine and the results are indicating that the Aloe Vera powder improves the solubility without effecting the sustain release pattern of the curcumin formulation. The study implies that Aloe Vera with high contents of polysaccharides powder can be used in the formulation of SR matrix tablets for water insoluble compounds. Further, IVIVC can be established using in vivo animal models to claim the potential use of Aloe Vera powder as excipient in improving solubility of class II/IV drugs. In the line, the polysaccharide fraction present in the Aloe Vera extract is finding new insights in the drug delivery technology. Many scientific reports established the health beneficial effects of inner leaf gel and the high molecular weight polysaccharides attributes to the effects. Recent clinical studies have shown that use of Aloe Vera improves the bioavailability of certain nutrients such as vitamin C and vitamin E by as much as 200%. Aloe Vera is a biological vehicle in that it acts as a physical or physiological carrier for active biological agents but, also adds biological activity to the test agent . In effect Aloe Vera is a physical carrier as well as adds to activity
Skin permeation enhancement potential of Aloe Vera and a proposed mechanism of action based upon size exclusion and pull effect.
Aloe Vera, provides further evidence for the presence of an enhancing factor within Aloe Vera. Certain, although unidentified, components of Aloe Vera readily permeated skin and the relative amount by which they permeated skin was inversely related to the molecular weight of the drug in solution, thus enhancement ratio. A new mechanistic rationale is proposed whereby larger drug solutes inhibit the permeation of Aloe Vera components, but also are then able to interact more effectively with the enhancing factor and be subject to the pull effect.
Formulate your Active ingredient or herbal ingredients with aloe vera
Today, there are many natural products available to consumers to help them live better, fuller, healthier, and happier lives and Aloe Vera is one of these. At a time when products come and go quickly on the market, Aloe retains a strong league of dedicated supporters. That group will grow as new products with Aloe Vera are created and launched.
Maximized polysaccharide Aloe Vera extracts
Consumers understand the need nutrients, and are looking to get them in different more accesible ways. Consumers have a significant interest for new healthy and natural solutions
Boost your sales of product adding -value functional ingredients
Boost your sales of product adding -value functional ingredients. Add value to your products, create your own niche high value category, there are big opportunities for functional and nutritional value products. Alone or combined with other natural ingredients. Consumers are more focused on higher value, in the products they do consume. They’re also much more demanding in terms of a higher sustainability footprint, they’re also much more demanding on the product’s nutritional, functional and health benefits. Be part of this trend in your market, adding aloe vera to your existing product line.
Create a new segments and categories to succeed.
The most known functional benefit of aloe Vera is for digestive health, heart health, lowering cholesterol, joint health, beauty, skin and immune-boosting products. With aloe vera as a natural ingredient in your formula or carrier of other nutraceutical actives, provides the right combination of nutrition and taste. You can drive your consumer platforms for your product in the following attitudes and behavior of the functionality, accessible and easy for the consumer. Consumers buy products with belief they are buying the best quality of life. Today food and beverage companies are looking for health ingredients, for this reason AMB Wellness offer a large range of options of aloe vera ingredients, natural aloe vera to improve your sales and benefits of the consumers. Health and wellness goals will continue to drive demand botanical and natural products. Aloe Vera is a natural functional ingredient that enhances and supports well-being.
Consumers are aspiring to live a healthier lifestyle
Innovate and formulate with aloe vera, be the one in your market and offer beneficial and drive a strategy in nutrition, health and wellness and make a competitive advantage, add your portfolio aloe Vera ingredients. Consumers are more aware of the nutritional dimensions in their lives and the need for quality of life. Naturally functional foods and ingredients are the biggest and most important trend, is based primarily on health benefits of a food ingredient in a way that is easy for consumers to understand and media to communicate without having to make specific health claims, Aloe Vera is the most known plant in consumer’s mind, take advantage of this perception.
Roll out your product line with health and wellness
Functional foods will continue to influence mainstream products in the near term, as consumers seek better options to meet their needs . While naturally functional may be getting attention, fortified foods remain the backbone of consumers’ nutritional strategy and interest has remained strong and stable over time. Consumers say vitamin fortified foods are a convenient way of getting their nutrients. Interestingly, those who are making a strong effort to consume nutrients (including probiotics, fiber, calcium, organic foods), and to limit additives are also making an effort to eat more fresh foods, suggesting that these emerging fresh advocates could be receptive to fortification of fresh foods. Consumers buy products with belief they are buying the best quality of life. Today the nutraceutical companies are looking for health ingredients, for this reason AMB Wellness offer natural aloe vera to improve your sales and benefits of the consumers. An aging population and growing demand for naturally functional products continue to drive a healthy industry. With a rising aging population, increasing concerns about meeting nutritional requirements and a growing desire for naturally functional products.
With the advent of new segments such as functional foods and cosmeceuticals, the market for herbs and botanicals has changed significantly over the past decade. This has opened up new opportunities for manufacturers, allowing them to position botanicals and other natural ingredients in products that no longer have to compete with only synthetic medicinal ingredients as aloe vera does. The growth and development of these new segments add to the diversity of the herbs and botanicals market. There are multiple reasons for this continued gain in popularity. Fundamentally, in many countries throughout the globe, botanicals are the first choice in preventative health, and the costs are not just monetary. Conventional healthcare is costly both monetarily and in many, depressed quality of life results due to side effects
Propelling aloe products with new designs with functional health twist
The future for Aloe Vera is bright, and the reason Aloe Vera will grow is Simple: Aloe Vera works. As the baby boomer generation starts collecting Social Security, many boomers are looking for ways to turn back the clock and make up for too many years of indulgence, sun worshipping, and overall neglect. Also, having witnessed skyrocketing healthcare costs and the healthcare struggles of their parents and grandparents, today a huge number of people—young and old—are looking for new ways to stay healthy and look younger. All this, of course, has been welcome news and a great opportunity for the vitamin and dietary supplements industry. Aloe Vera has been around since the dawn of time, but only recently has this simple plant and its juice been the topic of health discussions and emerging research. Many people know the benefits and excellent results of applying Aloe Vera to the skin. More and more, however, many are realizing that topical application is just the tip of the Aloe Vera iceberg in terms of health potential. As such, more studies are being investigating Aloe Vera’s benefits as an ingestible supplement. Nutraceuticals and functional manufactures have the challenge to compete with private labels products and imported ones, and they need to make a differentiation before of competition. Go into the booming functional market , adding aloe vera in your formula.
Nutritional Intake in early life impacts your health in later years
On the earlier side of the age spectrum, adequate nutritional intake during childhood and throughout adulthood is known to positively impact health in the longer term. However, most young people don’t realize that making an investment in nutrition today could pay off in a big way in the senior years of life. Getting consumers in younger age groups to become serious about nutrition is a challenging task for dietary supplements manufacturers. While this age group may understand the benefits of taking supplements for heart health and digestive health, taking supplements for cognitive and bone health may not seem so appealing because the results are not as obvious or quick since they mainly provide protective benefits. Most people at this age cannot meet their Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) because of insufficient dietary intake. Studies show that low-dosage of vitamins and minerals can significantly improve micronutrient intake. In fact, because the elderly may not be able to achieve their RDAs through diet alone, a study published in the Journal of Nutrition for the Elderly supported the daily use of low dose multi-vitamins and minerals to improve nutritional intake.
Seniors are attractive for many reasons, including their disposable income, their interest in science-based benefits they can feel, their brand loyalty, and their swelling numbers. They are a target key group for a range of ‘healthy aging’ products and their numbers are growing everywhere—from the U.S. to Europe to China—which means they are the single-biggest opportunity for functional and nutraceutical companies, both in the supermarket and in medical foods. But seniors are not one group. They need to be carefully segmented since needs and attitudes are different at each stage of their life. The younger seniors, those aged 50 to 60, are usually still quite active and may be interested in joint health ingredients to help keep them that way. But those at the other end of the scale, in the 70+ age group, will be more concerned about common age-related conditions such as sarcopenia (muscle wastage). Apart from vitamins and minerals, other nutraceuticals for seniors include omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants specifically ones that are known to improve cognitive health and vision. Areas of health concerns include digestive health, prostate health, heart health, joint and bone health, sexual health, and weight management. A key trend is one that is very clearly a growth opportunity—a trend that a company can connect to in order to earn additional volumes, additional sales and extra profits. We focus only on those trends that are the underlying key drivers for our industry—not fads or short-term developments with no long-term meaning.
Geriatrics is a medical practice that addresses the complex needs of older patients and emphasizes maintaining functional independence even in the presence of chronic disease. Treatment of geriatric patients requires a different strategy and is very complex. Development of effective dietary interventions for promoting healthy aging is an active but challenging area of research because aging is associated with an increased risk of chronic disease, disability, and death. Aging populations are a global phenomenon. Elderly people are at increased risk for micronutrient deficiencies due to a variety of factors including social, physical, economic, and emotional obstacles to eating. Thus there is an urgent need to shift priorities to increase our attention on ways to prevent chronic illnesses associated with aging. Individually, people must put increased efforts into establishing healthy lifestyle practices, including consuming a more healthful diet.
Changing perception of health
Later people are becoming more aware of the importance of healthy lifestyles. They take more responsibility for their personal health, integrating mental and physical wellbeing. The understanding of what it means to be healthy is changing amongst this consumers. Instead of focusing on the absence of illness, consumers perceive health increasingly in terms of preventing illness, feeling good and looking radiant. This drives demand for food supplements. The healthy living trend also reinforces the popular view that natural health products are safer than synthetic alternatives. This generated a renewed interest in natural remedies for healthier lives, such as herbal medicinal product as ALOE VERA. Demographically, aging is the growth of the aged population (60 + years) in proportion to the total population over a period of time. A country is said to be aging if the proportion of people over 65 years of age reaches 7%. The elderly population is the fastest growing segment throughout the world. In the next 30 years, there will be a rise in elderly population of up to 300% in Asia and Latin America. From the health perspective, the goal is to keep people alive and healthy as long as possible. Health education and health promotion play very important roles in maintaining good health, good mobility, and independent functional status in the elderly.
Age-related changes relevant to nutrition
Nutritional needs change throughout life. Especially for the elderly, these changes may be related to the normal aging process, medical conditions, or life style. Nutrition is an important determinant of health in elderly patients. Nutritional status assessment is essential for preventing or maintaining various chronic and acute diseases, and even for healing. As people age, various changes occur in the body, which may or may not affect the nutritional status of an individual. A common problem related to aging is loss of bone density, which can increase the risk for osteoporosis. Sarcopenia is the other age-related change. The loss of lean muscle mass can lead to a gain in body fat. Muscle loss is seen even in healthy people, which implies that metabolic changes occur during aging, making it a universal phenomenon. It may be more noticeable by loss of strength, functional decline, and poor endurance. This loss also leads to reduced total body water content.
Various other changes occur throughout the digestive system. There is a decrease in gastric acid secretion, which can limit the absorption of iron and vitamin B12. Saliva production decreases, leading to slower peristalsis and constipation. Appetite and thirst dysregulation also occurs. Sensory changes affect the appetite in many ways. Vision loss makes cooking, and even eating, more difficult. Diminished senses of taste and smell make the food less appealing. These changes typically alter eating habits and reduce nutrient availability and absorption, which can lead to nutritional deficiencies and various health problems Malnutrition is both a cause and a consequence of ill health. It can be of various types: undernutrition, over nutrition, or specific nutrient-related deficiencies.
Malnutrition in older patients is regularly underdiagnosed, and hence more education regarding nutritional status is needed among older patients. Malnutrition in older adults can lead to various health problems, including a weak immune system that increases the risk of infections; poor wound healing; and muscle weakness, which can lead to falls and fractures. In addition, malnutrition can lead to further disinterest in eating or lack of appetite, making the problem worse. Many elderly patients have an increased risk for malnutrition compared with other adult populations. It has been estimated that between 2% and 16% of community-dwelling elderly people are nutritionally deficient in protein and calories. If mineral and vitamin deficiencies are included in this estimate, malnutrition in persons over the age of 65 years may be as high as 35%. Malnutrition in older adults is associated with various health concerns. Malnutrition leads to a weak immune system, increasing the risk of infections, poor wound healing, and muscle weakness, which further leads to falls and fractures. The problem gets worse as malnutrition can lead to further disinterest in eating or a lack of appetite. Older adults who are seriously ill and those who have dementia or have lost weight are especially vulnerable to the effects of poor nutrition. Although there is no uniformly accepted definition of malnutrition in the elderly, some common indicators include too little food or a diet lacking in nutrients. A careful nutritional assessment and nutritional education are necessary for successful diagnosis of malnutrition in the elderly, and for the development of appropriate and comprehensive treatment plans.
People aged 55-64
Although the 55-64 age group does not have special nutritional needs as such, this age group would be well advised to start paying extra attention to healthy lifestyle including diet, in relation to the future risk of chronic diseases and to best prepare themselves for healthy older age. For example, once women are postmenopausal, as most are in this age group, there is an increased need to ensure appropriate vitamin D and calcium intake to maintain bone health and help to prevent osteoporosis and an increased risk for cardiovascular disease due to lower levels of estrogen. Age is the most powerful independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease and the risk of stroke doubles every decade after the age of 55 (WHO, 2004). In men, reaching 55 means that their risk of cardiovascular disease increases , so attention to risk factors including high LDL cholesterol, obesity and increasing blood pressure is highly desirable. This age group will, over the next decade of its life, be subject to physiological changes associated with ageing that could negatively impact their nutritional status and immune functioning , so now is arguably the time to focus on maintaining good health to prevent or limit potential future health problems. Health promotion in older people both in relation to diet and keeping physically active can produce results . The main aim of healthy diet andlifestyle (including physical activity) in this age group would be to maintain good health, to reduce the risk of chronic disease and strengthen or maintain immune function to avoid health problems later
People aged 65-74
The dietary recommendations for this age group are not hugely different to those for people aged 55-64, as long as people remain in good health. However, the risk of developing a chronic disease is higher for this age group than the previous one; studies in the USA show that 75% of the over 65s have one chronic disease and 50% have two or more. Those individuals already suffering health problems, particularly those that increase the risk of chronic disease or people who already have a chronic disease, may need to make further more changes to their diet, for example:
? A person with high cholesterol may need to further reduce their saturated fat intake to reduce the risk of coronary disease or to prevent existing coronary heart disease from progressing.
? A person identified as having reduced bone density may need to increase their calcium and vitamin D intake to reduce the risk of osteoporosis or to prevent its progression.
People aged over 75
The physiological changes associated with the ageing process and the associated health problems that can arise, which are discussed earlier on, start to have an effect on most people aged 75 and over. This means that a more age specific approach is required for this age group which could include:
? In general, consuming a more nutrient rich diet in order to obtain the nutrients needed from a lower calorie intake which results from both physiological and socio-economic factors.
? A switch of focus from the risk of obesity to the risk of malnutrition, especially given that in this age group, a lower Body mass index BMI is more highly correlated with morbidity and mortality than a higher BMI.
? Additional nutritional support to ensure acceptable levels of key micronutrients due to lower intake and uptake, for example, vitamin D.
Over 75 +
Current dietary recommendations for older people tend to consider the older population as a homogenous group of anyone over 60 or over 65. This does not take into account that nutritional needs can change with physiological ageing, so that there are some differences between the dietary needs and health concerns of the average 85 year old and those of the average 60 year old, although many healthy eating messages remain valid for older people of all ages. Therefore some form of age tranche-specific dietary recommendations would be welcome, for example the fact that malnutrition in the form of undernutrition presents greater health risks for the over 75s than obesity. Age tranche-specific recommendations should be accompanied by appropriately targeted healthy eating messages as and when appropriate.
Aging as a Biological Process
The process of aging is well understood, but the specific mechanisms behind the process are under current investigation. Aging begins at the cellular level. At the end of each DNA strand is a telomere, a grouping of the amino acids, adenine (A), guanine (G) and thymine (T), in the following sequence: TTAGGG. This sequence is repeated thousands of times in a young cell. After each DNA replication cycle, a piece of the telomere is lost. As the DNA undergoes more and more replication cycles through cellular division, the telomeres become shorter and shorter. Eventually, the number of DNA replications is limited by insufficient telomere length. This critical point is called the Hayflick limit. In this sense, a telomere can be thought of as a fuse at the end of a stick of dynamite. Once this fuse reaches its limit, the cell can no longer divide. As more and more cells reach their Hayflick limits, the tissue composed of these cells will begin to age. Over time, this will cause necessary organs to fail. However, through properly maintaining a healthy balance of nutrients and physical activity coupled with a lifestyle free of environmental pollutants, the effects of aging can be ameliorated.Maintaining vivacity and strength while aging can be achieved through eating well and exercising, as well as minimizing stress . Dietary supplementation can also help support a variety of the body’s physiological needs as it ages, from antioxidant support to sexual stimulation.
Antioxidant support
Free radicals are ionized molecules that negatively interact with normal cellular function, leading to the development of diseases such as type-2 diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Antioxidants alleviate the damage caused by free radicals through preventing free radical oxidation
Anti-inflammatory support
Inflammation is a complex biological response to vascular tissue irritants, such as pathogens or damaged cells. It is the body’s natural response to attempt to remove harmful stimuli and to begin the healing process. As aging progresses, cells or tissue become permanently damaged, leading to chronic inflammatory diseases, such as arthritis or even cancer. To prevent “over” inflammation, On a daily basis each human cell is subjected to 10,000 plus oxidative hits. Each hit represents damage (a chemical reaction) to the individual cells of the body. Such damage is caused by sunlight, x-rays, environmental toxins, exercise, etc. The body utilizes antioxidants to immediately repair or in many cases, to actually take the damage itself (like a bodyguard stands in front of a bullet).
Cognitive and sexual stamina.
As time progresses, the amount of energy one has diminishes. Declines in the underlying brain skills needed to think, remember and learn are normal in aging. In fact, this cognitive decline is a fact of life for older adults. Therapies to improve the cognitive health of older adults are critically important for lessening declines in mental performance as people age. While physical activity and cognitive training are among the efforts aimed at preventing or delaying cognitive decline, dietary modifications and supplements have recently generated considerable interest.
Body mass and composition
Aging causes various changes in body composition, which have important consequences on health and physical functions. There is a progressive decrease in lean body mass and an increase in body fat. Decreased physical activity accounts for the increased body fat, and this may lead to decreased energy intake with aging. These changes in body composition, including those in fat distribution, may be associated with changes in various physiological functions that affect metabolism, nutrient intake, physical activity, and risk for chronic diseases. There is also an alteration in bone density that results from a decrease in mineral content, which occurs with aging. Severe osteoporosis may cause the bones in the legs to bow under the weight of the body. This bowing, together with changes of the spine, makes measurement of height unreliable in some elderly people, even in those who are able to stand unaided. Body weight is easily affected by short-term environmental aspects of life, in addition to the effects of acute and chronic diseases or undernutrition.
Physical activity
Total energy expenditure of an individual is reduced with the reduction in physical activity, and this is an important factor contributing to a reduced energy requirement in the elderly. However, the energy cost of normal activities has been reported to increase with age for men. Studies conducted in elderly people showed that 70% of the elderly in the 60–69-year age group reported no outdoor activity in the previous 4 weeks, and this proportion was even higher in the over-70-year age group. Another feature of aging that may restrict physical activity is that elderly people are prone to developing a variety of degenerative and chronic diseases; chronic obstructive airway disease, angina, and arthritis are some examples. Physical activity contributes to good physical and psychological health at all ages, and inactivity associated with minor illness in the elderly often leads to loss of muscle tone and mass, and, thereafter, former physical activity levels may never be regained.
Age-associated changes in the gastrointestinal system
Effects of aging on the perceptions of smell and taste have been observed, which may alter or decrease food intake. This is a common perceived problem among elderly individuals who complain of a loss of both taste and smell. There may be a progressive loss in the number of taste buds per papilla on the tongue. The remaining taste buds, which detect primarily bitter or sour tastes, show a relative increase with aging. Impaired appetite is often associated with a reduction in taste and smell, which occurs in up to 50% of elderly people. Improperly fitting dentures may unconsciously change eating patterns because of difficulty with chewing, leading to the intake of a soft, low-fiber diet without important fresh fruits and vegetables.
Age-associated changes in the renal and genitourinary systems
The kidneys' job is to keep the body's fluids, electrolytes, and organic solutes in a healthy balance. The functional units of the kidney are a million or so nephrons present in the renal cortex, which filter most of the constituents of the blood other than red blood cells and protein, reabsorb needed substances, secrete hydrogen ions to maintain the acid–base balance, and secrete wastes.41 In addition to gastrointestinal physiological changes, renal function declines with age. There is a decrease in kidney mass, blood flow, glomerular rate (10% decrement per decade after the age of 30 years), and the elasticity, muscle tone, and capacity of the bladder. Severity can vary, but most cases are mild or moderate in older people, do not cause symptoms, and do not progress to kidney failure. Renal impairment may also affect vitamin D metabolism and result in a reduction of vitamin D levels, which contributes to osteoporosis in the elderly.
Age-associated changes in the nervous system and cognition
With advancing age, risks for cognitive decline increase, affecting the independence and quality of life. Insufficient intake of selected vitamins, or certain metabolic disorders, may affect cognitive processes by disrupting the nutrient-dependent processes within the body that are associated with the management of energy in neurons, which can subsequently affect synaptic plasticity or the ability to encode new memories. The earliest signs of mild cognitive impairment or pre-Alzheimer's disease are decreases in the ability to prepare food, forgetting to eat, and inability to access food, which can further impair oral intake. Vitamin deficiencies, particularly vitamins B12, B6, and folate, are associated with cognitive impairment. Nutritional interventions have an impact on vascular disease prevention. It is well established that a diet low in fat and cholesterol is beneficial in modifying vascular risk factors. Emerging research suggests that supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids are associated with stroke prevention and may be beneficial if integrated into the diet of all elderly patients with vascular disease or vascular risk factors.
Associated changes in the immune system
Immune response dysfunction with increased susceptibility to infection, reduced efficacy of vaccination, chronic inflammatory state. The immune defense system is adversely affected by the aging process, and there is strong evidence that a poorly functioning immune system can contribute to decreased disease resistance and reduced life expectancy in the elderly. Elderly people are more likely to die of infections than young adults,53 and malnutrition is related to an increased risk of sepsis in the elderly. Infections of all kinds increase the metabolic rate, making it more difficult for older persons to eat enough to keep up with elevated energy demands.
Elderly Customers: Food, Supplement Marketing Opportunities
As we get older, our muscles start to weaken, injuries take longer to heal, and we become more likely to develop conditions that affect our bones, joints, hearts, and brains. Diet can help postpone and mitigate some of these conditions; yet the market for older people wanting to stay healthy has been largely neglected by food companies. This is beginning to change. Older people are at high risk of nutritional deficiencies. Even if the diet is reasonably healthy and sufficient in calories, the effectiveness of the digestive tract declines with age and [people] are no longer able to absorb optimum levels of nutrients. Older people often have more access to money and time, delivering discerning and demanding premium consumers who realize they will soon lose the strength and energy to do everything they want to, from exercise to sex. Healthy aging should be promoted as a positive thing.
Condition – Specific Supplements
Among the numerous vitamins and supplements purchased by seniors, condition-specific products are highly regarded. Seniors embrace alternative forms of natural remedies that attend to common conditions that arise with age. Below are a few supplements that address conditions most common among seniors.
- Prostate Health
- Hormonal Balance
- Immune system
- Mental Health
- Vision and eye health
- Cognitive Function
- Sarcopenia prevention (loss of lean muscle)
- Bones and Joints
- Improve Heart health
- Improve Blood Circulation
- Glucose metabolism
- Older and Wiser
- Digestive health
Formulation challenges
There are several formulation challenges while attempting to design fortified functional foods for geriatric individuals. Some of the issues include possible chemical interactions between nutrient ingredients, issues related to final product acceptance, product stability, taste and texture concerns, and product shelf-life. In the development of nutraceuticals for geriatrics, manufacturers should take into consideration that aging is associated with some notable physiological changes, including the loss of taste. Therefore, the incorporation of flavor enhancers and textual considerations should be carefully addressed in premix development for these products. As the taste of the product is of paramount importance for a product to be successful, it is important to pay close attention to flavor intensity, masking any off notes, and addition of colorants. Products can be flavored with herbs and spices, and a number of other ingredients can be included in a premix or finished product to intensify product color or enhance texture to increase product appeal. Additionally, as consumers age healthfully, many are more likely to be taking medications to address certain health conditions, so formulators need to consider potential interactions with common medicines. For example, within the juice category, the interaction between grapefruit juice and some immunosuppressant drugs (statins) used to lower blood cholesterol, and calcium-channel blockers used to treat high blood pressure would suggest that more attention should be placed on fort ifying other types of juice applications for this population.
Make Aloe Vera part of succeed formula
There is no doubt that the commercialization of Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis) is a success story. Products containing aloe gel is found almost everywhere. Consequently, many different kinds of natural-based industries have a share in the aloe market, most notably the cosmetic, food and beverage and dietary supplement industries. Until recently, the topical use of aloe gel in cosmetics and skin care products emphasized due to the demonstrated moisturizing and wound-healing effects of aloe gel. However, it is the oral use of Aloe Vera in the form of health juices and liquid supplements or tablets or pills, alone or mixed with other rich ingredients made the market boom in recent years.
Ask for any range of polysaccharides or acemannan
AMB wellness improves your functional marketing value, imparts, and gives a benefit in nutraceutical products. AMB′s exclusive Aloe premium ingredients demonstrates superior quality as well as having the quality of retaining the highest percentage of the beneficial compounds of Aloe compared with freeze dried so you can benefit from all its bioactive ingredients that makes Innovaloe premium, one of the favorites around the world. AMB Wellness has developed the most potent soluble Aloe Vera powder in the industry.
Our powder extracts are 100% water soluble and do not contain any carrier, our Aloe Vera products makes the ideal base for functional beverages, nutraceutical formulations as well as for inner beauty cosmeceuticals applications.
Boost your sales adding aloe premium ingredients
Add value to your products, create your own niche high value category, there are big opportunities for functional and nutritional value products. Alone or combined with other natural ingredients. Consumers are more focused on higher value, in the products they do consume. They’re also much more demanding in terms of a higher sustainability footprint, they’re also much more demanding on the product’s nutritional, functional and health benefits. Be part of this trend in your market, adding Aloe Vera to your existing product line.
Aloe Vera is a natural functional ingredient that enhances and supports well-being.
Innovate and formulate with Aloe Vera, be the one in your market and offer beneficial and drive a strategy in nutrition, health and wellness and make a competitive advantage, add your portfolio Aloe Vera ingredients. Consumers are more aware of the nutritional dimensions in their lives and the need for quality of life. Interestingly, those who are making a strong effort to consume nutrients (including probiotics, vitamins, minerals, herbal extracts. fiber, calcium, organic foods), and to limit additives are also making an effort to eat more fresh foods, suggesting that these emerging fresh advocates could be receptive to fortification of fresh foods. Consumers buy products with belief they are buying the best quality of life. Today the nutraceutical companies are looking for health ingredients, this is the reason AMB Wellness invite you to trust us as your Aloe Vera Raw Materials Supplier to improve your sales and benefit your consumers.
The growth and development of these new segments add to the diversity of the herbs and botanicals market. There are multiple reasons for this continued gain in popularity. Fundamentally, in many countries throughout the globe, botanicals are the first choice in preventative health, and the costs are not just monetary. Conventional healthcare is costly both monetarily and in many, depressed quality of life results due to side effects.
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