Almost halfway through the year - checking in on your goals.

Almost halfway through the year - checking in on your goals.

It's the first day of June. Almost halfway through the year. It's amazing how it can happen in the blink of an eye.

Much of the first half of 2021 has been with an eye on COVID-19 and how things are panning out. The roadmap. The vaccine programme. The variants. What affect might this have on our personal and work lives?

It may mean you've lost focus on your goals - personally and/or professionally. Maybe you've needed to put them hold and it can feel like you're losing sight of when they'll ever be achieved. Or you search for clarity in what might feel like a maelstrom of uncertainty.

How can you get back on track?

It's important to make time to figure out your 'why' in life. Your decisions will flow from there. Ask yourself:

- What are my top five values?

- What do I feel motivated by? What am I passionate about? What brings me joy and happiness? When do I feel fulfilled? Challenged?

- Is what I’m doing right now serving me well long-term or dragging me down so I’m feeling negative more than feeling positive?

- What does success look like for me?

- How do I want to feel when I’ve achieved my goal?

Make time to:

- Be aware of your self-talk.

- Write down and repeat exciting assumptive affirmations- what you want to be, do and have.

- Script and direct a mental movie of how you want to feel when you're working towards and have achieved your goal. What will it all look like, sound like etc? Also, how will you feel as you work towards your goal, and focus on the feeling of achievement. Repeatedly play this mental movie to yourself. That achievement will feel real to you, normal. Your subconscious brain will get to work to make it happen, working in synergy with your conscious efforts to make it so.

- Start a Victory Log and record your successes. They all mount up and help when the days don’t feel so great.

- Start a Gratitude Journal. Write down all the good stuff that happens in your life. When it's been a not so good day, read through it.

All of the above will help you to reconnect with your why and therefore get your goals back to the forefront.

The single most important thing, standing between where you are today and where you want to be, is your thinking. 


Richard Jackson MBE - Winning Edge Mindset的更多文章

