Almost every time one of my guys finishes up their coaching programme, whether they were in level 1 or level 2...

Almost every time one of my guys finishes up their coaching programme, whether they were in level 1 or level 2...

When we reflect back on our time together, there’s always one of my coaching models which sticks out

The one behaviour change exercise which shifted their way of thinking

The 30 minutes of their life when they actually took some time out to decide on WHAT THEY DO WANT

>> Rather than what they don’t want <<

It’s simply called “who do you want to be?” (or “The Perfect Day” if you’re in my mastery programme)

and there are a number of reasons why we do it:

1. You’re so focused on your struggle right now, all of the things you don’t want and all of the pain (physical and mental) you’re experiencing, day in day out.

And because of that, you’re always looking for ways to move away from that pain. When you’re in that place, it’s almost impossible to picture a brighter future. You want a quick fix to deal with that pain right now.

2. Some people respond immediately to moving towards pleasure. That’s just the way they’re wired. For others, it can take a bit more time to shift their focus away from that idea of moving away from pain.

If guys are more motivated by that idea of pleasure, then we’re off and running from day 1...

3. The power of visualisation is real.

Whether it’s Maxwell Maltz’s ideas in Psycho-cybernetics about the human brain being a goal striving machine and having the ability to visually create a more inspiring future.

Or Hal Elrod’s visualisation practise within The Miracle Morning.

Or probably every sports psychologist who tells their athlete to picture themselves performing a certain skill, recreate a passage of play or simply standing on the top level of that podium in front of a capacity crowd at the next Olympics.

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** So, what’s the one thing you could do with these insights from my coaching programmes?

> Decide that moving away from pain all the time may not be the best strategy and be ok with trying something different

> Create your own version of “who do you want to be?”

> Make it real. Make it inspiring. Make it grounded with all of the mundane tasks we do every day but also the things which will drive you forward. The stuff that will bring pleasure, focus and purpose to the rest of your life.

Decide how you want to show up, how you want to look. Create a picture of the decisions and choices you make every single day. And that impact that has on everyone around you.

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If you’re still on the fence, let’s even go one step further with an example...

- Take two guys who are in exactly the same situation, want exactly the same things and create exactly the same “perfect day”.

- One writes his version 2.0 of himself in January, locks it away in a drawer, goes about his days and brings it out at the end of December to see if he’s achieved it.

- The other guy takes his version 2.0 and puts it up on his wall. Reads it through every day. Makes it part of his daily ritual and continues to develop and expand on it over 12 months. He’s living and breathing this thing.

> Who do you think is going to be more likely to have made progress towards that future version of himself?

** It’s almost a no brainer **

So, as we like to say over here at Coached By Ben, knowledge is nothing without action.

> What could you do right now to help you move closer to being that rebooted, reenergised, reprogrammed version of yourself?

Drop me a comment or a private message with your thoughts and by the way...

If you’ve got this far, and would like me to send you the exact coaching model my guys (and some select girls) go through within my level one 12-week programme, let me know.

Happy to send it over....but don’t tell my clients....

Be strong,


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