We process the best almonds to bring the authentic flavor of quality into the world.
There is a deep connection between nutrition and environmental protection.
Eating properly not only benefits our bodies, but also entails making concious decisions and consuming foods that have positive effects on the planet.
Almonds, for example, are more than simple and small oilseeds.
Several scientific studies have demonstrated how the nutritional properties of almonds bring significant benefits to cardiovascular health, weight management, satiety, glycemic control and stimulation of cognitive functions. But there is more.
Contemporary food trends, in addition to focusing on well-being, prioritize environmental conservation. According to Innova Market Insights, the health of the planet is currently the main concern of today’s consumers.
This is where the concept of sustainable nutrition comes into play.
Our consumption behavior causes tons of CO2 emissions per person every year, with a significant percentage linked to dietary habits. This is why an increasing number of consumers are choosing to educate themselves about the environmental impact of foods, in order to guide their purchasing decisions towards more sustainable products, obtained through responsible production.
Today more than ever, consumers feel a sense of responsibility in protecting the planet, which becomes a decisive factor in their purchasing process. Choosing foods obtained from cultivation methods that protect environmental resources allows a significant reduction in waste and the minimization of consumptions.
Therefore, the concept of sustainability also applies to the food we bring to the table. Sustainable development and nutritional choices are closely related.
The FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) defines sustainable nutrition as a nutritional model with low environmental impact, capable of meeting nutritional guidelines while considering socioeconomic and ecological perspectives.
Essentially, it is a choice that enables us to eat well, live better, and have a lighter impact on the planet.
The importance of incorporating plant-based products into one’s diet relates to biodiversity and ecosystem conservation.
Therefore, a sustainability-oriented food regime can ensure the well-being of both the planet and its inhabitants, through foods with strong beneficial properties form nutritional, ethical and environmental standpoints.
So, what are the principles and guidelines to follow in order to implement a nutritious and, at the same time, sustainable dietary plan?
Certainly, the first step to significantly reduce waste and unhealthy eating habits is to prioritize products from sustainable and regenerative farming practices, while respecting seasonality.
In this sense, almonds are an excellent choice because they are not only a plant-based food but are also cultivated through a responsible and zero-waste approach implemented by farmers to maximize the value of by-products from the harvest.
In addition to these widely promoted uses, farmers continue to invest in research activities exploring the transformation of certain almond components (including hulls) into recycled ingredients for consumers consumption, which can provide both nutritional and sustainable benefits.
At Alfrus, we endorse these initiatives and take part in change by supporting these pioneering activities aimed at enhancing the value of almonds and the great potential of their by-products, in order to further strengthen the sustainable impact of these small seeds of life.
Making more conscious choices in food consumption can make a difference in an era characterized by excessive consumption.
Almonds are one of the best examples of ingredients that not only provide plant-based proteins but also essential nutrients, including fiber and vitamins, while ensuring satisfying taste, versatility and sustainability.
A healthy, natural and sustainable food choice for a greener future.
Thus, these small seeds offer a sustainable yet delicious food option that can contribute to promoting both human and planet’s health. And thanks to their long legacy of sustainability and nutritional values, they are increasingly sought after by today’s consumers, as well as food and confectionery companies.
This is the “food revolution” that we at Alfrus hope for: an approach that values ingredients capable of offering many nuances of tastiness and well-being.?
A virtuous cycle moving towards the path of sustainability, affecting every aspect of life.