Almarai’s Mission, Vision, and Values

For this paper, we will choose Almarai Company to examine its mission, vision, and value. We chose Almarai most extensive food and beverage company in the region, because of its financial position, company value, and market domination (Khan, 2020) We are going to focus on our examination on the four following points. First, we are going to Critique Almarai’s mission statement, values, and vision. Second, we will see if Almarai’s mission, values, and vision is aligned with the Saudi vision 2030 or not. Third, how we can improve Almarai’s mission statement, values, and vision to make sure it is aligned with the Kingdom Vision 2030. Fourth, we will show why organizations must have and create a strategy that follows and aligns with the Saudi Vision 2030.

Defining the mission, vision, and values:

           A mission statement is a description of why a company exists along with giving the purpose of the company and its goals (What is the difference between mission, vision and values statements?, n.d.). A good mission statement must answer the following questions: why the company existed? What is the nature of the operations of the company? Which customers does the company serve? What type of products or services is the company providing? (Aguinis, 2019, p. 80).

Vision statement looks for the future and generates a conceptual picture of the future state that the organization aims to reach, and it is inspiring and ambitious (What is the difference between mission, vision and values statements?, n.d.). A good vision should have the following characteristics: short, confirmable, timed, currant, focused, easy, inspirational, A (Aguinis, 2019, p. 83).

The values statement lays out the basic concepts that govern and direct the organization and its philosophy. In a value-driven organization, principles build a moral code for the organization and its workers. It directs decision-making and lays out a criteria to which acts can be evaluated (What is the difference between mission, vision and values statements?, n.d.).

Critique of Almarai’s mission statement, vision, and value.

Since now we know what the meaning of mission, vision, and value is and how they should be formed and made, we can critique Almarai’s statements. From the 2019 annual report, the last one being published, we can see the company mission statement, values, and vision. The mission is “To provide quality and nutritious food and beverages that enrich consumers’ lives every day” (Annual Reports). It is a good statement. However, the part related to the customer served is not very clear, but since the huge variety of products it makes is for every body in the counties it serves, and there is no niche market customer.So, we can accept the statement.

The vision is “To be the consumers’ preferred choice by leading in chosen markets with superior food and beverage products.” (Annual Reports). We believe that this vision is not the best version that Almarai could have. The vision misses many essential components. It is not inspirational. What does it mean by a superior? This vision is not timed like in five, ten, twenty years will be in this position or this market. Also, it is not stretched because we do not see that is the next step. This vision is not even focused; it is very open. How will Almarai be the chosen one and superior?

Lastly, the values are “Adaptable, Sharing, Passionate, Innovative, Respect, Excellence” (Annual Reports). The values that Almarai gives are very good ones. It covers the aspects that need to be covered like how the company is driven, the moral code. Also, and how it directs the decision-making.

The alignment, or lack thereof, that Almarai’s mission, vision, and values with Saudi Vision 2030.

           After reviewing several annual reports for Almarai from 2010 to 2019, we found out that the mission, vision, and values did not change at all. They are still the same. The previous section in this paper proves Almarai completely ignores aligning its statements with the Saudi 2030 vision. That is showing a lack of understanding of the opportunities that the vision is going to offer. Government officials also stated that the existing economic problems are a great occasion to embark on a systemic restructuring of the Saudi economy (Moshashai, Leber, & Savage, 2020).

One of the vision pillars called “A vibrant society”. This pillar has objectives, and one of the objectives is promoting a healthier lifestyle (Programs Overview., p. 15). That is part of Almarai mission but in a different approach, which is providing a nutritious product. Having this in their mission statement which is somehow align with the mission when it comes to “a vibrant society”, but we believe it is not the intention of Almarai because the statement was the same before the vision was born. 

As we mention in the previous section, the vision of Almarai is not the best version that Almarai should have. Nevertheless, it is even not close to what Saudi Vision 2030 wants to accomplish, and it is not aligned with it. Since the Saudi vision focused on the future and what the country wants to accomplish in 2030, Almarai's vision should do the same thing. There are many areas in the Saudi vision that Almarai can get benefit from. Vision 2030 aims to create an atmosphere that opens up investment possibilities, enhances the economic base, and creates employment for all Saudis (Thriving Economy, n.d.). That is one of the that Almarai’s vision should focus on.

The values of Almarai are good, but they are not fully aligned with the Saudi. There are some of the values related to Vision 2030. For example, the direction of “an ambition nation” pillar is to “Embracing Transparency” and "Engaging everyone” (Programs Overview., p. 7), which we can relate to “Sharing”. Moreover, innovation is located in the level three objective of the “A Thriving Economy” pillar, and being innovative is part of Almarai’s value. We can see only two out of six values of Almarai; we can somehow link them to the 2030 vision with some difficulties. The reason for the difficulties is that Almarai did not like itself to the vision 2030 regarding the values.

Improve Almarai’s mission statement, vision values, and vision and align them to Vision 2030:

           This section of this paper will show a new version of the mission, vision, and values. The main changes will make the new statements align with Vision 2030. That will benefit Almarai a lot because changing the statements will make Almarai modify its strategy.

The new version of the mission statement is going to be as follows: Being ambitious and the number one company in the food and beverages industry by using and investing in the latest innovations and technologies to provide quality and nutritious products in the most economical way possible to enrich consumers’ lives, having healthier society and nation. We keep the new mission very simple and aligning it with Vision 2030 when we touch the society and the nation. Moreover, the vision mentions that we need to be an ambitious nation, and as a Saudi company, Almarai is going ambition as well.

In 2030, we will be the most valuable and best company in the industry, provide the best nutrition in food and beverages in every household for a better society and nation. That is the new version of the Almarai vision statement. The new version is inspirational because it inspires the employee to perform better. Also, it is timely boned to 2030. Besides, it is very focused on its massage. Valuable, better, best, society, and nation are all words used to focus on what the company wants and to whom it wants that. Lastly, it is a very stretched vision because the new vision that will reach every household.

The new value of Almarai will be the following: Integrity, Servant leadership, Ambition, Sharing, Vibrant, Innovative, Respect, Excellence. Yes, the number of the values increased because we link the value and some of the old values to the 2030 Vision. Company values significantly impact managers, employees, and customers, which will affect the company's performance (Posner, Kouzes, & Schmidt, 1985). Adding more values -since it affects the company preference- more values will affect the Almarai in a good way and help reach its vision.

The importance of Saudi organizations aligning their strategy with Vision 2030:

A strategy is an act made by management to accomplish one or more of the firm's goals. The strategy could also be described as a general path for the firm and its different components to attain a better and more sustainable future (Strategy - Definition and Features, n.d.). It is risky to disregard the other elements -especially the external ones- since the plan's execution requires an inclusive vision (Raps, 2004). We believe that one of the elements that should not be disregard or ignored is Vision 2030 because it reforms the whole country socially and economically in the long run. One of the thriving economy pillar objectives is to be more open for business (Thriving Economy, n.d.). This objective has sub-objectives like improving the business environment, rehabilitating economic cities, and establishing special zones. The vision gives a strategy and roadmap of the economic future of Saudi. Good companies should use this roadmap to make their roadmap and framework to create a stronger, profitable, and growing marketplace (Mi, 2015). Vision 2030 put and give all companies in all the industries in strong position locally or internationally. Now, it is the job of the company to use this in its favor or not. A practical application of the strengths it got and has and uses them to benefit from the opportunities offered to them (Zeb & Baloch, 2011). Companies need to align their strategies with the vision 2030 because they can get the full benefit of the objective of vision 2030, which will result in a stronger company, at least financially. 


We choose Almarai Company and examined its mission, vision, and value. We chose Almarai because it is the biggest food and beverage company. Our examination focused on four points. First, we critique Almarai’s mission statement, values, and vision. We find out that the mission was good but is not clear when it comes to the customer served. For the vision, we saw that it not inspirational, not timed and not stretched, not focused and open. So, it was not a good vision statement. Second, we saw if Almarai’s mission, values, and vision are aligned with the Saudi vision 2030 or not, and we find out that they are not fully aligned with vision 2030. They are outdated. From 2010 until 2019, they remain the same without change. Third, we improved Almarai’s mission, vision, and values to aligns them with Vision 2030. Fourth, we show the importance that organization should make its strategy align with the Saudi Vision 2030 because that will benefit the company financially. 


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