Ally or Savior?
Sangheetha Parthasarathy
Nervous System Reset for the Fast-Paced Female Brain (No Generic Self-Care Fluff)
Allyship and Saviorism are two terms that are often used interchangeably, but they represent very different approaches to social justice work.
While both are motivated by a desire to help others, their methods and attitudes can have very different outcomes. So let's dive in and explore the ten key differences between being an ally and a savior, using metaphors and pop culture references to make them more relatable!
Being an ally is driven by a genuine desire to support and uplift marginalized communities. On the other hand, Saviorism is motivated by a need to be seen as a hero and savior.
Hermione Granger and Gilderoy Lockhart from Harry Potter illustrate the difference between being an ally and a savior. Hermione is a true ally, helping her friends and fighting for justice out of a genuine desire to help, while Lockhart embodies saviorism, taking credit for other people's work to gain fame and recognition for himself.
2. Centering
Allies center the experiences and voices of marginalized communities, recognizing that they are the experts in their own lives. Saviors, on the other hand, center their own experiences and perspectives, often disregarding the needs and desires of those they are trying to help.
Ross Geller in Friends is an example of someone who centers his own experiences and perspectives, disregarding others' needs and desires. On the other hand, Phoebe Buffay centers the experiences and voices of marginalized communities, recognizing the importance of understanding others' perspectives.
3. Humility
Allies approach their work with humility, recognizing that they have much to learn and that they will inevitably make mistakes. Saviors, on the other hand, often act with a sense of superiority and entitlement, believing that they know best.
In The Good Place, the character Chidi is an example of an ally who approaches his work with humility. He recognizes that he has much to learn about ethics and moral philosophy, and is open to feedback and correction from those around him. On the other hand, the character Michael initially acts as a savior, believing that he knows best how to help the human characters in the afterlife. It takes him some time to recognize the value of listening to others and working collaboratively.
4. Accountability
Allies take responsibility for their actions and are willing to be held accountable by the communities they are working with. Saviors, on the other hand, often refuse to acknowledge their mistakes and may even blame marginalized communities for their own shortcomings.
In Gilmore Girls, Lorelai is an accountable ally who takes responsibility for her actions and makes amends, such as when she apologizes and works to repair her relationship with Rory after a fight. However, Emily sometimes embodies the savior complex, blaming others and refusing to acknowledge her own mistakes, as seen when she blames her husband for their marriage problems instead of taking accountability.
5. ?Sustainability
Allies recognize that social justice work is a long-term process that requires ongoing effort and commitment. Saviors, on the other hand, often swoop in for a short period of time, make a big show of their efforts, and then disappear once the spotlight is off of them.
In the movie Inside Out, Bing Bong is a savior who seeks quick fixes but fails to provide a sustainable solution, while Joy and Sadness work together as allies to help Riley with her emotional struggles in a committed and ongoing manner.
6. Patience
Allies understand that change takes time and that progress is often slow. Saviors, on the other hand, may become frustrated when they don't see immediate results and may even give up on their efforts.
In the movie "Little Women," this can be seen in the character of Jo March, who has a passion for writing and dreams of becoming a published author. Her sister Meg is supportive and patient, encouraging Jo to keep writing and submitting her work, while their neighbor Laurie tries to push Jo to publish her writing before she feels ready. This highlights the difference between being an ally and being a savior, as Meg is a patient ally, while Laurie is more of a pushy savior.
7. Empowerment
Allies seek to empower marginalized communities by providing support and resources that help them to achieve their own goals. Saviors, on the other hand, may try to impose their own goals and values on those they are trying to help.
In the series 'Sex Education' the girls come together to support and empower Aimee by creating a safe space for her to share her experience and offering practical solutions to address the problem.
Hope Haddon is seen as a savior in some instances, as she enforces her own values of abstinence to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted infections in the school. However, instead of empowering students with comprehensive sex education, which could help them make informed decisions, she limits their options.
8. Listening
Allies listen to and respect the experiences and perspectives of marginalized communities, recognizing that they are the experts in their own lives. Saviors, on the other hand, may dismiss or ignore the voices of those they are trying to help, believing that they know what is best.
In Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Terry is eager to go undercover, but Jake ignores his wishes and complicates things by trying to save him. Captain Holt, on the other hand, listens to Terry's concerns and gives him the space and confidence to handle the situation.
9. Collaboration
Allies understand that social justice work is a collaborative effort that requires building relationships and working together with marginalized communities. Saviors, on the other hand, may try to work alone or may see themselves as the sole solution to a problem.
In the movie Frozen, Elsa represents the savior who initially isolates herself from her community and tries to solve her problems alone. On the other hand, Anna represents the ally who understands the importance of collaboration and works with her friends to overcome obstacles and recover the kingdom and help her sister.
10. Recognition
Allies recognize and respect the leadership and expertise of marginalized communities, while also acknowledging the contributions they make to social justice work. Saviors, on the other hand, may take credit for the work of others or may act as if they are the sole reason for any progress that is made.
In Black Panther, T'Challa's sister, Shuri, can be seen as an ally. She supports T'Challa's leadership and respects his decisions while also providing her expertise and technological innovations to aid in his mission. On the other hand, Killmonger could be seen as a potential savior figure. While he shares T'Challa's goal of using Wakanda's resources to help black communities around the world, he believes in using violent means to achieve that goal and ignores the perspectives and expertise of Wakandans in favor of his own ideas.
I’m afraid I disagreed about Hermione as an ally - when it came to championing house elf rights, she rode roughshod over the feelings of the elves and worse, she tried to manipulate them into ‘freedom’ - she was definitely not an ally in this instance…