#AllThings Untangled ...!

#AllThings Untangled ...!

When we think of our businesses, these ventures we have put our hearts, souls, and money into … We set high expectations. We dream big. And sometimes that means we strive to be perfect! 

We want to do it all. We want to be it all. We want to know it all. And sometimes that can create a storm of needless strain and bury our goals and dreams under piles of directionless tasks and to-do lists longer than the eye can see. We get ourselves all … Well, tangled!

So, what can we do when we know we have potential to grow, endless potential to love our work, but we just seem to be spinning our wheels? 

And we have a sneaking suspicion that we can use our time, resources and energy more efficiently. 

Well, there is so much we can do. My favourite professor Brene Brown says

“Want to be happy? Stop trying to be perfect."

So, let’s put some seriously effective tools in our toolboxes and get untangled! 

Today we’re going to look at mindset, setting goals, managing your time more effectively, making worthwhile connections, jumping into opportunities when they come a’ callin’, keeping useful notes, refocusing the ways you spend your time, self-care, making a plan, and year end reviews. 

Our first goal is to look at our past year and review through a few different lenses:

  • How do you feel about the year as a whole?
  • What worked? What didn’t?
  • What goals/projects did you achieve?
  • What are you most proud of?

When you take an honest look at the year gone by, and you see things that have room for improvement, you can then look at taking the next greatest leap to make sure your mindset is in the right place. 

And, in the right frame of mind to pursue your dreams, get organized, be successful and most importantly be satisfied, fulfilled and happy. 

Entrepreneurial hacks truly have a lot to do with mindset. 

You first need to believe in yourself and your business before you even consider taking any additional steps on the path to growth. It’s all about our endgame. Which for every entrepreneur is about achieving massive results and crushing goals. 

Being an entrepreneur is kind of like playing a game of chess. You must always think at least 3 steps ahead. You must think long-term and have a true vision for your endgame. Think big and small in all directions. Do the work that needs to be done, but don’t forget about the path you are working towards. All the while, taking time to step back, look at the bigger picture and provide direction to your overall vision. 

Then let all that glorious success soak its way in!

Bestselling author Guy Kawasaki says,

“If you believe somehow you’re set to a certain capability and level of accomplishment, then you’ll never achieve anything more. However, if you believe you can get better and do other things, that growth mindset will enable you to accomplish more.”

And what is a great way to work on our mindset? 

Making wholesome connections. 

Business life isn’t all about the technology in this insanely busy social world we live in. It’s about the people! Which is something that is often underestimated. 

It’s about the impact we have and create. Especially thanks to platforms such as LinkedIn. So, instead of constantly analyzing the ever-changing algorithms and the big data that runs alongside it, put yourself in touch with the human part of it all. Make connections -- real authentic connections -- and turn those connections into the data you’re looking for.

Now let’s talk a second about goal setting. 

I’m sure you want to grow, expand on new ideas and make a success breakthrough. Creating this kind of plan for yourself is only going to happen because you are going to make it happen. So, here’s what you need to do first …

  1. Be clear about your goals and what you’d like to achieve.
  2. Take a stand for what you believe in. And invest in yourself.
  3. Make a plan by setting real, measurable and attainable goals.
  4. Decide how you’re going to set clear -- and organized -- actions.
  5. Think positive and condition yourself for success.
  6. Give yourself permission to make extraordinary things happen.

Now you’ll be able to move into a more defined level of planning. And turn your bigger picture into a list of goals. 

  • What are your top 5 goals for the coming year? 
  • Write them down in order of their importance to you.
  • What do you need to do in order to accomplish all of these new goals?
  • Do you already have an idea in mind of when you’d like to tackle these by?
  • If so, how are you going to make a plan in order to achieve everything?
  • Do you have any new tools, programs or platforms that will help you succeed?

Without a clear vision of your goals, and an organized action plan, things can get overwhelming quite quickly. So, it’s pretty darn important to also be reasonable and kind to yourself. Don’t make yourself crazy and stressed by driving yourself into exhaustion and overwhelm with unrealistic timelines. 

So, naturally the next step is a big one, and my favourite part of this puzzle ... 

“The plan!”

In order to create the very best version of your business is to remind yourself that everything depends on where you want to take it and what actions you take to get there. 

Procrastination and negative self-talk are not welcome at this table any longer!

This is where a giant release of all of your thoughts, wishes, dreams, goals, and visions can be plunked right into a notebook to keep your thoughts accessible and make some room in your head for the actual planning. 

I am completely addicted to coloured sticky notes!

I love the colour which makes things easily seen as they are right there – in my face! This way my mind has room to tackle each project one at a time without any lingering thoughts of things I do not want to forget for later.

Remember, it’s not about working harder … It’s about working smarter and focusing on the things that will really drive your business. So, write it all down. Prioritize your thoughts and make lists of ways that you could possibly seek help elsewhere. 

Personally … I feel one of the most amazing things to come out of the recent pandemic we find ourselves still in, is the explosion of the virtual industry. Particularly, the Virtual Assistant side of things. These amazingly talented and diverse entrepreneurs who are there to help you in whatever area you may need. With their main goal being to make your life better … easier … By taking tasks off of your hands that are simply holding you back from accomplishing what you really want to accomplish. 

Outsourcing tasks is a great way to open up your time, find ways to organize your focus and move forward towards those goals. Trust me, these talented individuals are a godsend. And there was a point in time where I wanted to run everything in Virtually Untangled all on my own. But then a few smack talks came my way and I realized I needed to stop striving for perfection. To stop trying to do all and be all. And finally admit I’d be better off in the long run if I just simply asked for some help.

So, I did just that! And now I have some truly amazing honorary “untanglers” helping not only my business but those of my tangled clients as well. And we are all better off because I got off my “high horse” and asked for help.

Which then slides us into something more important than some may realize … Organization!

This will be a deciding factor in how well you can turn that list of goals and plans into actual, measurable results. So, by managing your time, identifying where your time should be spent, making good working habits to kill that ever-growing to-do list and make that seemingly impossible work/life balance actual attainable realities. 

Okay. Organization … You’re probably wondering; “where do I start?” – well the answer is simplistically simple. Lists! 

Lists are my jam. I’m a total nerd about them. Just ask my team – and my clients. I’ve made it a habit to make a few different types of lists – both digitally and on paper -- which typically consists of daily tasks, weekly to-do’s, a monthly overview, and another for future creative “bucket list” type ideas that I know are genius but admittedly do not have time for them now. But I also do not want to forget about them.

Here’s a quick breakdown of how I like to work organization through lists …

For the daily tasks, I write down the top three, four, five or ten things I need to get done on that specific day. I usually create this list the night before or first thing in the morning while my mind is fresh.

If you create your list in the morning, I highly recommend that you do so BEFORE you check your email or check-in on social media. Why? I believe it is extremely helpful to have control right from the get-go and not allow your to-do list to depend on technology and what others are telling you is important. If a client calls “urgency” you just then have to assess, and address said concerns as they arise. Then you can certainly adjust your list accordingly. 

Just remember, you ARE NOT their air … Not everything is urgent … Not everything is an “emergency”. And not everything needs to be completed in a “rushed” manner. Sometimes if your client lets something fall off their plate. This doesn’t mean it needs to land on you in the same manner – in a repeated fashion. Once n’ awhile, okay. But if you’re noticing a pattern in this behaviour, it’s time for an “untangling” chat with them.

Also, don’t be afraid to put everything on your calendar. Yes, I really mean EVERYTHING!

Not only does it keep you organized and on task, but it also reduces stress because you will not be worried about forgetting anything important. You can even schedule yourself a couple of five- or ten-minute breaks that you need to take throughout the day to simply clear your mind. Or for when you are transitioning to other projects and tasks. 

And then before I end my working day, I take at least 15 minutes to set my intentions for the next day. Sometimes even the rest of the week. This contributes to a restful, stress-free evening and an organized vibe for when I am ready to sit down at my desk to start a new day.

So, let’s get back to that schedule and calendar … 

What my team and I like to call “time blocking”. 

The demands on our time are greater now than ever before. Especially for those of us who own a business. With information coming at us in every possible direction -- AND at a rate faster than we can digest it -- responsibilities tend to get handed to us faster than the speed of light. So, as we try to find as many ways as possible to get each daunting task into our day, there is a way to get more of the things you need to do actually accomplished. And with with less distraction. 

In short, you must simply schedule your “stuff”.

And no, not just meetings and appointments. But all the stuff that matters most to you, your business and those of your clients and customers as well. And you can do that by scheduling time blocks into your day. This will help you stay organized, focused and feeling mighty accomplished! Those goals and actions will be flying off of your grand ‘ol plan in no time. 

So YES … You can actually manage your time to create more time! 

This involves reviewing all the projects and tasks you typically take on, then look to where you can save yourself some time or streamline certain processes. You can then reallocate that well-deserved saved time into areas that will empower you to be even more successful. Like with professional development, working on new creative strategies and plans, onboarding new clients, networking and growing your tribe, self-care or even taking some time to sit with your virtual team and enjoy one another’s company … non-work related. Maybe with a glass of wine!

And perhaps these simple process adjustments will help you see that your time needs to be invested in other places in your business … perhaps places you would have never thought of before. 

A good example is that maybe you need to work more on your brand’s vision, voice, and its story. As entrepreneurs our brand is our lifeline!!!!

Wherever you are at in your career, keep in mind that in order for a business to excel, your brand should be designed and expressed with these three things in mind: 

  1. What your actual offerings can – and will -- accomplish;
  2. How your offerings can help others. And make the world a better place; and 
  3. Who it helps? 

Your brand is not just the face of you and your business, it’s the story that your business tells. You know, the one that has a human touch and gives people “the feels” …!

So, if you refocus your time and get organized, you will be better prepared for when opportunity knocks. Be the one who always opens the door and welcomes opportunity in with open arms. 

It doesn’t matter if you’re in a rut and looking for an escape route, pondering on forging a new partnership or perhaps looking for a second chance at something -- or with someone. It’s all about breaking through the barriers!

You know … That spark inside us that grew us into the entrepreneurs in the first place. At one point or another, we all grew from some door that was opened, perhaps even an unplanned meeting. And that’s literally all it took to light the fuse that was already flickering. A simple, unplanned opportunity. 

Take advantage of all situations that land on your path and be alive to all possibilities. Be willing to take risks, step over the boundaries of fear and try new things. 

Entrepreneurs who build real “human touch” companies not only benefit from these growth opportunities, but they also create jobs. 

This brings me to my final thought … 

In the midst of all of this year-end reflection, planning, strategizing, creativity and carrying out organized actions, when do we rest and rejuvenate? 

Everyone knows that no one is capable of pouring from an empty bucket into another empty bucket of operation. This is likely how one gets to the point of being -- and feeling -- all tangled up in the first place. 

So, in come steps self-care to save the day!

Self-care has been getting plenty of attention lately and I believe it’s rightly so. To me, self-care means keeping in check with your physical, emotional and mental well-being. 

We all get busy and it can be hard to slow down and really take care of ourselves. It really should be a daily-priority and we never should feel guilty about time blocking to take care of ourselves. So, try making a list of five to ten things that you can do to help yourself out, on the days you need it the most. Which in reality, should be things you do for yourself everyday anyways …

Some examples are, taking a break from technology. You don’t always need to be “plugged-in”. Get up and move! Have a mini dance party. Do some push-ups. Go for a walk or run around the block. Do something physical to blow off some steam and chair butt!

Science shows us that sitting for too long can be detrimental to our health. So planning a quick 20 minutes every day can do wonders for our mindset and our health. 

It’s time to recognize when your stress level may be on the rise. And take a breather. 

I personally like to watch a TV show for 30 minutes while making and eating my lunch. I call this “tap out” lunchtime. And when the weather is nice, I take a short few block walk.

Do whatever it takes to get yourself to take a few deep breaths and chill out. 

I cannot stress the magic that happens when I snuggle with one of my precious pets for a simple 10 minutes, mid-day. Or right after I shut down for the night.

Sacrificing our well-being will not help make our businesses more successful. In fact, a happy healthy business owner is going to attract MORE people with that same positive vibe than anyone else who is just running themselves ragged.

So, what can we do to take these dreams and plans and put them into action? 


We here at Virtually Untangled take care of all those struggles behind running a business. 

If you’re ready to admit you need some help, you can count on us!

We can help you organize, build, manage and maintain your business goals with ease. And, finally clear up the ever-growing to-do list. My team and I want to help make your big picture a reality and help you find a happy work/life balance. We want you to feel as though running a business is the BEST CHOICE you have ever made by making things simpler, easier and more organized for you. 

We want you to have that same feeling of enjoyment we have going into our virtual office everyday. We’re not pitchy-sales-y type folks but we just want you to know that WE GOT YOU if you need a helping hand doing the tasks you need in order to stop feeling like you’re drowning and actually to get ahead. To help reclaim that dream, to help you make an impact on the world. And so you remember WHY you bet on yourself and started your business in the first place! 

So, feel free to reach out – even if just for a mind-bending “untangling” chat if you find yourself saying YES! YES! YES! to all of the above!

?? ========

When we think of our businesses, these ventures we have put our hearts and souls, and money into, we set high expectations, we dream big, and sometimes that means we strive to be perfect. We want to do it all, we want to be it all, we want to know it all, and sometimes that can create a storm of needless strain and bury our goals and dreams under piles of directionless tasks and to-do lists longer than the eye can see. We get ourselves all … Well, tangled.

So, what can we do when we know we have potential to grow, endless potential to love our work, but we just seem to be spinning our wheels? 

And we have a sneaking suspicion that we can use our time, resources, and energy more efficiently. Well, there is so much we can do.


Don’t forget to drop by every Tuesday for a new episode!

We look forward to your comments and your ideas for future podcasts. So, pull up a seat, get ready to step out of your comfort zone and enjoy the ride!







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