AlloyO Special Metal: Alloy625 N06625 small diameter bars have been ready
A batch of N06625 Alloy625 round bars with outer diameter of φ35mm are available.
The batch of goods is delivered in a uniform length, with a length of 3.8 meters and a total of 29 pieces.
The surface is brightly delivered. This user has purchased a small amount of 625 alloy thick plate and thickness of 12mm for the previous batch. This purchase is for the replacement of other processed parts under the same working condition.
AlloyO can Supply Special corrosion resistant alloy imported and original from Germany, US and Japan in stock as below: Super Austenitic Stainless Steel; Duplex Stainless Steel; Nickel-Based Corrosion Resistant Alloy; Titanium and Alloy; RE and its Oxide.
Corrosion resistant special metal stock, All in AlloyO.
Details are available at