Allow yourself the Creator mode

Allow yourself the Creator mode

The Creator mode brings us into life. It gives us life and dusts off our complaints: this is where I want to be! this is what I want to live for! Self-fidelity is demanded. Often joyful and collective.?Sometimes arid and solitary, it becomes a test of my faith in life.?For this creative gesture defies death.

The Creator mode gives pride of place to the interpretation of a job or a market, at a given moment. It makes the complex understandable. It elucidates and deciphers.?

To interpret is to give a personal meaning to a situation, despite the tumult of the times and the competition.?

Interpretation is an act of movement that seeks to bring out those privileged moments when the individual tears himself away from fear, stupefaction and tyrannical codes.?

Interpretation gives rise to a tearing apart, a shattering of what already exists.?

To embark on one's life is to seek this moment of creative rupture.?To understand one's life is to understand oneself.

?? Who am I??

?? Who do I want to be??

?? How do I want to develop my life, career or business project??

Creator mode aligns discipline and freedom?

Adopting the Creator mode means rediscovering your freedom, the freedom to be who you are, and taking the initiative in your professional project.?

Effort is no longer imposed from outside, but is personally sought and desired, because it is part of a system that generates freedom and creativity.

Constantly matching our external actions to our internal movements requires self-reliance.

When a project is based on authenticity, the room for manoeuvre is limited. The why? what? how? with whom? when? are dictated from within.?

To lose yourself would be to lose everything.

For organizations regulated by the law of numbers, such as business schools, large corporations and investment funds (not to mention public administrations…) the notion of leadership is a fascinating and disturbing, too demanding in terms of individuation.

?? For 10 years, I had a hyper-structuring supervisor (coach of coaches). Perhaps too much so. He taught me that rigor gives you the robustness you need to get through challenges, that mastering a profession is always laborious, because it takes 10,000 hours to make a good professional: more than seven years as a product manager, VP Sales, CTO... or even CEO!

So, naturally, you have to be able to tolerate loneliness, moments of discouragement and those endless sequences without any real (apparent) progress.?

Our determination is tested by the repetition of tasks and the sometimes unbearable self-discipline.

?? Boredom isn't (always) a call for change. It's (often) the time it takes to become competent! Otherwise, the LinkedIn profile looks like a vast scrolling operation: everything is skimmed over, nothing is mastered.?

It's only when you've mastered your profession that you can be creative. To move the lines, you have to know where they are! Otherwise, it's just chaos.

Seven years of pure discipline to achieve creativity? That's what I reproached my first supervisor for. Despite 10 years of coaching, I was still waiting for him to loosen up.

It didn't come and... wouldn't have come! His own creativity was not being passed on. And yet it was at the heart of his excellence as a craftsman.

A master's creativity is often his blind spot, because it's unconscious. Or jealously guarded...

The “10,000 hours before fun” model hides a more complex reality. Discipline and fantasy need to be interwoven.

There are little loops in the big one, everything is a bit mixed up. Otherwise, the practice of the job becomes mechanical, artificial and rigid.?

Technical coldness blocks the Creator mode: the capacity for personal interpretation of situations.

All apprentices benefit from releasing their emotions to express their inspiration. Letting go is the key to expressiveness.?

Self-expression is the deepest human need.

The Creator mode is polarizing

Creator mode is divisive. I prefer to say polarizing. How do you manage reputation effects? “A happy customer talks about you 3 times, an unhappy one 100 times”, as the saying goes.?

Since my coaching practice combines depth and speed, failures are annoying. There always are, less and less as time goes by. Some clients are unhappy. So, right from the start, I had to deal with reputation effects.

?? I see this as an opportunity to revisit self-indulgence, a soothed and creative relationship with my limits.

?? I thwart the insidious hold of shame and (self-)humiliation, and transform my anger at revenge into energy for action. Sport or dance work well to activate the shift to action.

?? I do some cognitive reframing: the actual size of my catchment area is gigantic compared to my capacity to accommodate it!

?? I cultivate a polarizing positioning, sourced to authenticity. It saves everyone time thanks to greater clarity and selectivity upstream.

?? I redeposit my need for recognition in the hollow of a few chosen relationships. I tighten my ties with those closest to me and garden my creative, easy and playful relationships.

?? I focus on my learning curve, which is my joy, my success and my sustainable competitive advantage (growth mindset).

Self-respect is key

My first coaching client had his small business offices 40 km from Paris. He asked me to do the sessions at his place. The location was poorly served, so I drove there. At the first appointment, he wasn't there, due to a scheduling error. At the second, we did the session in my car so that I could go and get his car from a Parisian car pound...

He also turned out to be a bad payer, even though he was president of a large ethical movement of entrepreneurs.

I'd been brought up to respect others, not myself... It's a real pain, because reprogramming that is a whole story! Self-respect is a constraint. It requires us to assume our own limits and to show consideration for ourselves before asking others to do the same.?

Demanding respect without giving it to ourselves is like asking our loved ones for consideration that we don't give to ourselves.?

When it's time to ask for something, I'm asking for it... When it's time to set conditions, I'm asking for recognition. Confusion guaranteed!

I make myself dependent and open the door wide to the abuse of my limits... which I don't set. If I lack respect for myself and don't feel respected, the other person is just the revelation of my own deficiency. The situation is doubly humiliating.

When I set limits for others, it's in my interest to accept the constraints beforehand, so as to do so calmly. To choose is to give up (the better to enjoy what you choose).?

When it comes to self-respect, setting an example goes a long way.

?? Respect isn't always tender. Basically, respect and tenderness are two very different things. Respect is a condition for tenderness, not the other way around.

Allowing yourself grandeur

10 years ago, we created Entreprenance Institut, the Creator mode coaching school. As I had a painful history with school, we created it to serve the students, so that the students wouldn't end up serving the school... Entreprenance Institut accompanies the self-realization of those who accompany... self-realization!

With this coaching question in mind: how can we experience grandeur without becoming grandiose? By cultivating an intelligence of grandeur, because gardening the positive is always more effective than trying to circumscribe the negative!

I better understand the difference between grandeur and size: I still sometimes fantasize that Entreprenance will become big, whereas what we've been living since the beginning is great!?

?? I allow myself to dream that my initiatives are crowned with success. I think great and beautiful. My inner child is created for greatness. Greatness can't be measured; it flickers in my belly, making my projects crackle, dance and succeed.

?? By doing what I love, and doing it a lot, I create excellence. It attracts abundance when I express my love and creativity in my work. Then, just being myself is fruitful.?

?? With abundance comes prosperity. What I do has great value. I enjoy getting money by doing what I love. This prosperity facilitates the expression of my creative potential and values in the world.?

?? I accept money in abundance as an expression of love from others.?

My prosperity enriches others, their prosperity enriches me. The more I give, the more I receive.

?? There's enough in the universe for everyone, including me. Everything I need is available in the universe. I accept to receive everything I need. The universe is a place of abundance where love flows. Abundance is my natural state. (According to Leonard Orr.)


Frank Lugenheim

Ministry Transformation Partner | Merging 21st-Century Marketing & Affordable Technology with Traditional Ministry Values—Discover How We Can Help! ("About" Section)

2 个月

Hi Matthieu, Greetings and Happy New Year. I hope you're doing well! I’m reaching out because I’ve run into an issue with activating Creator Mode on my LinkedIn profile, and I know you’re the LinkedIn guru I can count on for advice. I understand that Creator Mode is typically accessed through the Resources section of the profile page. However, I don’t see a Resources section—only a Resources button, and it doesn’t include the option to enable Creator Mode. Do you have any insights on how I can get Creator Mode activated? I’d appreciate any guidance or tips you can share. Thanks in advance for your help, my friend! Blessings, Frank


Directeur chez Agria Grand Est | Coach Professionnel Certifié

2 个月

"Self-expression is the deepest human need" "L'expression de soi est le besoin humain le plus profond" : ce besoin que l'on ressent au creux de soi, de son ventre, qui nous pénètre tout entier, qui nous tient éveillé les nuits sombres, qui nous malmène lors des jours mous, ... ce besoin qui a besoin d'être guidé, éveillé, égaillé, ... pour lui permettre d'exister ! Merci Matthieu ce beau témoignage !


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