Allow Your Flame to Go Higher
What does your inner spark feel like? Mine is truly raging right now. Burning so high at the moment and I am running on all cylinders. For me great things are happening. I was faced with some business challenges and was able to handle them, overcame an illness much quicker than the physician expected, and met some amazing people who jumped right on board with my vision and have been there right and left to support me.
Yes, my spark is on 100, sending out into the world things that are bright and colorful. am basking in the glory of it all. However, I am also mindful of one thing. Not everyone is happy about the height of my flame. Some will even try to douse it should the opportunity present itself. Others will slander and call me names.
I have been down this road many times before, but the difference from the past and now is that I believe what God says about me. I am capable of and deserve great things. For me that has finally sunk in. I am the head and not the tail, through all things He will give me strength. What He has for me NO man has the power to take away, so as long as He commands my spark will continue to burn high, colorful and bright.
There will be times when God may lower my flame Himself, because of the lessons He will want to teach me. He will need my complete attention. I may not like how it feels to not have that flame raging high, but lowering it will be absolutely necessary.
Are you one who is diminishing your flame, afraid to allow it to reach new heights, afraid of what others might say or think? Are you playing it safe and allowing your flame to stay where you feel comfortable so you will not have to deal with what comes from it reaching a higher level?
Actually, what someone else says about or thinks of you is none of your business. People are entitled to think and say what they feel, and you really have no say in it. You do; however, have a responsibility to go where God calls you. You will be unable to do so if you keep your flame from rising. You cannot be afraid of faltering. The calling on your life will remain the same even if you make a mess of it. God is a God of another chance. No matter how many times your flame gets put out or lowers, if you will heed His word, God will raise or reignite it, and renew in you the power to move forward.