Allow You to be You
Julie Perret
Teacher of Truth - empowering you to heal naturally eliminate inflammation & heal. Healed from - Rheumatoid Arthritis, Iritis, Crowns - 10 years
Your need for acceptance can make you invisible in this world. Don’t let anything stand in the way of the light that shines through this form. Risk being seen in all of your glory - Jim Carrey
This quote says everything to me ??
Very often we try to match ourselves to some standards that our energy is not supporting. We compare ourselves to others, and we try to put everyone in the same box how they should be, must be, what they should do, and why they are not doing what they should be doing.
When we approach life situations with this mindset, we are not hurting just the other person, but we are also hurting ourselves.
Whether we are aware of it or not we attract circumstances in our life all the time and how we feel about ourselves is our strong magnetic point of attraction.
In other words, when we judge someone and try to put them into some societal boxes or we try to put ourselves into some societal boxes we feel negative emotions and we attract to us people, situations, and circumstances that are going to reflect exactly how we feel in other words we attract what we don’t want in our life.
I believe in well-being, and I believe that everyone can have well-being in every arrear of their life.
So, what is the secret to well-being?
Why so many of us are struggling mentally?
Why there are so many different illnesses, burnout, depression, and imposters?
The answer is simple we don’t understand who we really are and the power of wellbeing that we all have access to.
Wellbeing starts with understanding that you are not your thoughts, your emotions. Just because you think a thought doesn’t mean that it is true!
Well-being starts with allowing YOU to be YOU and allowing everyone else to be who they want to be even if you don’t approve of their action. At the end of the day, you can’t think for them, you can’t feel for them, you can’t change them.
If you want wellbeing you need to allow them to experience what they want to experience even if you don’t like it.
From my personal experience and working with clients it all comes down to two simple things Acceptance/Surrender and Allowing. Sounds easy but not that easy if you don’t know what you are doing and why you are doing it.
For many years I was trying to match myself with some societal standards that weren’t matching my energy field and that caused an imbalance in my wellbeing mainly in my health. You just can’t push against “WHAT IS” until you surrender/accept “WHAT IS”? and allow yourself to be you nothing in your life will change and you will not have access to your well-being.
It took me quite a long time to come to surrender and allowing.
What allowing means?
There is a difference between allowing and tolerating. You definitely don’t want to tolerate it as this is not well-being.
Allowing means that you allow your well-being, your worth, and your freedom and you allow others to do what they want to do even if you don’t approve of it. So, while they are doing what they want to do you stay connected to the source energy that supports you, you stay balanced in appreciation and joy.
If you feel negative emotions when you are allowing like resistance, anger, sorry for them, or even fearfull for yourself you are not allowing you are tolerating and you want to ask yourself the question
How long do you want to tolerate?
Allowing is the state that you are very clear about who you are, you say your “NO” to everything that is not feeling good to you, you say it non-reactively, in good feeling and joy, you don’t have the need to prove yourself to anyone, or do defend yourself and you also allow yourself to say YES to everything that you want.
At the same time, you allow others to be who they want to be not feeling negative emotion because you are connected to who you are.
As parents, it can get challenging as we want the best for our kids and we try to force our kids, push them to do something, and teach them.
As a coach, I was trying to coach my 12-year-old and explain to her things in detail thinking it was the best way to help her in life not understanding more I tried to push more she resisted and I only attract more resistance back into my experience. So this approach wasn’t helping anyone. That was not freedom.
When I realized that she has her days and when she is going through some emotions, I just let her be without the need to explain and justify that her behavior was wrong. I stay balanced and centered I allow space, and then I still say what I want to say but it comes across as not defensive or trying to make her be a certain way and there is a win on both sides.
I use allowing in every relationship I have, and I can certainly say it sets me FREE. When I was 7 years old I had a strong realization that I would set myself FREE one day. Only now can I say that I’m FREE once I understood the power of Surrender and Allowing.
We spend so much energy in other people's business how they should be, what they should do and shouldn’t do, trying to fix them because we want them to do what we want to make us feel good. And this is the wrong way to go.
Until you understand that only you can make you feel good and no one else is responsible for the way you feel you will not be free, and you will always depend on others expecting them to make you feel good which will not work in a long run.
The truth is that you can’t change anyone so if you still try you are beating the drum not allowing your well-being ??
Also, something to note if you are in a situation that you don’t like and you don’t try to change it or do something about it, again it is not allowing it is tolerating which is different.
We are all unique we don’t fit in the same box, and we all have our journey, and it all unfolds for us in different times depending on what we allow.
What are the benefits of allowing?
It will bring you your well-being in all arrears of your life.
You will be able to create space for others and listen to them rather than trying to fix them.
You will set yourself free.
All your relationships will become balanced and joyful.
People who are not a vibrational match to you will walk away from your life and people who is a vibrational match to you will come into your life ??
If you want to practice allowing and experience true well-being ask yourself this one question every morning?
What do I want to allow today?
If you want to create well-being in your life and make New Year how you want it to be book a free call and we can have a conversation ??
Absolutely love this quote! Embracing our unique light and authenticity is key. Letting go of the need for external validation allows us to shine in our own glory. ?? ??