Allow the Unfolding.
Erosion often makes room for new growth. The process is brutal to witness; it is only afterward that one can appreciate the necessity of nature's wisdom. Our lives are filled with a series of unwelcome (and seemingly unwarranted) changes. We may find ourselves resisting the change, but humans were not meant to remain comfortably settled. Change is necessary for growth and transformation. The end result of our transformation is, in large part, our choice. We may not have a choice in our circumstances, but we do have a choice in our reactions.
What was the worst period of your life? Now that you have emerged on "the other side," what was the gift in the experience? Do you believe that you would be who you are today absent of that experience?
An analogy of life: a river flows downstream. The direction of the flow is impersonal. It has nothing to do with you. When you get into the river, you may choose to swim upstream, gripping the shore and trying to be the salmon or you may let go and float with the current (learning to maneuver around the rocks). The choice is yours.
Take a moment to examine your life today. What is it that you are resisting? What is it that makes you uneasy, fearful, or angry? Are your feelings based on your expectations of how things "should be"? What if you were simply able to let go and allow your life to unfold on its own course? What would happen then?
Success or sabotage? Your experiences can lead you down one road or the other; it is not the experience, but your choice that dictates the road you travel.
Is this going to be an incredible day? What if every moment, challenge, person and circumstance is simply an opportunity for you to decide?