Allergy to own child

Allergy to own child

An article appeared in the medical news: "A British woman has developed an allergy to her own child."

Once for the first time I read an article about the development of an allergy in a wife to her husband. It was a curiosity. Subsequently, the husband's allergy to his wife was less surprising.

Finally, chance brought me to a woman who was allergic to her own husband. Seeing and then examining her partner, I realized that this wife was allergic to pronounced manifestations of advanced demodecosis in her husband. And there were few such cases of observing an allergy to a partner. In all of them there was a running demodecosis in a partner.

Earlier in the medical news there was an article about congenital allergies in an infant. But I saw several cases of congenital demodecosis in the Kentau maternity hospital in 1982.

All the mentioned cases of allergies indicate that demodecosis among people continues to spread and become more complicated.

Dear colleagues and contemporaries, I expect advice, recommendations, suggestions from all of you: how to help people suffering from demodecosis, it's manifestations and complications as allergies?

#demodex #cellulite #scleroderma #allergy #photodermatosis #allergicrhinitis #asthmaticbronchitis #treatmentofallergy #RakhimaZhaxylykova #hayfever #mite-borneallergy #acariasis #demodecosis #allergicshock #urticaria #atopicdermatitis #rosacea #dustmites #covid-19 #obesity?


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