Allergies to Cat’s
Sally Gilson Getcatcrazy
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Unfortunately, young children and adults that are allergic to cats will have the first thought of getting rid of their pet, it is dander which is not just fur, flakes of skin which trigger allergies. Dander could be present in urine and saliva this is what causes symptoms of sneezing, watery eyes, runny nose, congestion, reddening of eyes, swelling and itchy skin. The primary cause of allergies to cats is a glycoprotein known as Fel D, which is produced by the sebaceous glands under the skin and to a lesser degree is present in cat’s saliva.
When you have allergies, your body treats those specific allergens as harmful substances even though they are not, attack them using antibodies. In this case, the antibodies produce is histamines.
A cat is constantly shedding minute particles of dander sin flakes into the environment when they groom, they transfer saliva on to the coat, which is then shed around the home producing allergies to those susceptible.
Synthetic antihistamines can provide relief to side effects, as well as natural alternatives like quercetin, butterbur, essential oils,?probiotics, apple cider vinegar and saline rinse using neti pot.
People that are allergic to cats can build up their tolerance to cats, you can live with a cat if you are allergic, some have mild symptom and can be treated with over-the-counter medicines.
So, what can be done?
As with any pet, always keep the home clean, clean trays, vacuumed and carpet clean with pet vacuums and cleaners to get up any loose skin, fur and hair, always keep the beds clean and fresh so flea eggs do not get a hold, wash your pet and brush and comb to get rid of loose fur and condition their skin. Some herbal remedies can also help.
Drink nettle tea