Tourism & Business Advisor | Honorary Goodwill Ambassador | Chief Judge | Visiting Faculty | Food Columnist | PhD Candidate
When a person with a food allergy ingests a food they are allergic to, their immune system mistakenly identifies the food as harmful and overreacts by releasing chemicals such as histamine into the bloodstream. These chemicals cause a range of symptoms that can affect various organs and systems in the body.
The specific symptoms and severity of an allergic reaction can vary depending on the individual and the amount of the allergen ingested, but commonly include:
It is important to note that the onset of symptoms can vary, with some people experiencing symptoms within minutes of exposure, while others may experience symptoms several hours later.
If someone is experiencing a severe allergic reaction or anaphylaxis, it is important to seek emergency medical attention immediately.
How 14 most common food allergen effect to the body,
It is important to note that allergic reactions to these foods can range from mild to severe, and in some cases, can be life-threatening. It is important for individuals with food allergies to avoid the foods they are allergic to and to carry appropriate medications (such as an epinephrine auto-injector) in case of accidental exposure. It is also important for individuals with food allergies to seek medical advice and testing to confirm their allergies and to develop a personalized management plan.