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Here’s what “going viral” on social media does to the world in just 2 weeks.

The virus has gone more viral over social media than through human to human transmission.

Is the panic justified? At this stage no.

Is it escalating in real danger? Yes.

But is the fear exacerbated? Absolutely.

I’m not going to take away from how highly infectious coronavirus is, and how scary the 2 to 5 week incubation period actually is.

That is downright scary.

By the way, the virus affects most people.

It’s not just an old people disease.

It is slightly different from the common flu. Although the common flu has been around for a long time, it continues to evolve strains and it infects millions around the world and thousands die yearly (that’s why we have ‘flu seasons’).

You may not die from coronavirus but you will likely get kidney, liver and lung damage based on your symptoms which could be permanent and degrade your quality of life after the virus is ‘cured’.

Our health systems are underprepared.

Panic buying has left health systems struggling with supplies.

The numbers are skewed due to the response speed and healthcare quality, it could be worse than reported.

Human beings are interesting creatures - we fear death, and we fear uncertainty.

The more you fear those two, the easier you are manipulated. This is exactly what the media and high-level powers want.

This isn’t just about the virus killing people anymore. It’s a blatant attempt to reset the economy.

And there are many conspiracies behind the virus - bioweapon, population control, economic reset... whatever it is, the flow-on effects hurt the little guys when the big powers are at play.

We only see what the media wants us to see.

You focus on you and look at what is occurring in front of you.

Let’s take a look at what’s happened in the last 2 weeks;

???? USA announces a national emergency.

???? Australia announces mass gathering ban.

???? Italy locked down and the death rate is about to ramp up.

???? South Korea has a super spreader and explosive spread.

???? Spain announces lockdown.

???? France announces lockdown.

???? Iran digging mass burial sites to isolate the dead.

???? China incidence rate has slowed but drastic preventative measures have been placed, disrupting work and quality of life.

?? WHO announces pandemic.

???? Racism against Asians is at its all-time high.

?? Virus incubation times continually get longer (could be up to 5 weeks potentially now).

?? The virus is re-appearing in people who have already recovered.

?? Supermarkets limit buying amounts.

?? Toilet paper punch ons.

??????? Doctors are underprepared/not prepared at all.

? Supply chains are destroyed.

??????? CEOs stepping down all over.

??????? Millions of jobs are being lost right now.

?? Schools closing down.

?? Hospital systems overwhelmed.

??????? Employees sent home to test a work-from-home model.

?? Restaurants are empty.

?? Small businesses bankrupt.

?? Medium businesses begin downsizing.

?? Large corporations begin downsizing and cutting expenses.

?? NBA season suspends.

?? The masters postpone for the first time since WWII.

?? NHL suspends season indefinitely.

?? The premier league suspends.

?? F1 Grand Prix cancelled.

?? Many more sporting events and festivals postponed or cancelled.

?? Travel bans and restrictions.

?? Oil has dumped.

?? Stocks have dived HARD.

?? Trillions in the economy are changing hands.

?? The 1%ers are about to become mega-wealthy.

?? Most “normal” people are seeing wipeouts in their portfolios and retirement funds.

?? Millennials still think this is a hilarious meme and not taking it seriously.

?? Celebrities, politicians and elite athletes getting coronavirus.

This is just the beginning of the devastating effects of Coronavirus (Covid-19).

There is no doubt that this virus will bankrupt more people than it kills.

So what can you do with your life now on the line?

?? what happens if you face redundancy?

?? what happens if you face forced unpaid quarantine?

?? what happens if your company or small business goes under?

?? what happens if you get sick?

?? what happens to your quality of life with fast-changing public controls coming in?

Right now it is even scary to cough or sneeze in public without getting weird looks and racist remarks.

Here’s what I am doing to pivot and give myself insurance in this chaotic time. I believe it will take at least 2-3 years for us to recover economically if not more.

1. I already have an online business in the health and wellness space. And 2 other online businesses. So I’m going to double down as I can work from home and from anywhere.

If you don’t have an online business or side hustle, now is the time to start one or evolve your business into one. (Look for a needed product right now - supplements, staple products, protection, wealth creation)

You will be investing temporarily for long term gain. Please keep in mind, a penny saved is still a damn penny.

Go on the offensive.

2. Taking my expendable income to invest into long term stocks to hold until the upside comes back along (money I don’t care about right now)

3. I am watching my nutrient intake, as a nutritionist, I’m all about maximising my nutrition to enhance cellular function. I am watching my intake levels of vitamin c, vitamin d, bioflavonoids, antioxidants, zinc, live culture probiotics and other immune boosters.

4. I am stocking up TWO WEEKS supply of staples - toilet paper, rice, beans, legumes, meal replacement shakes and frozen meals. Don’t overbuy, it won’t become an apocalypse (yet).

5. Be positive, share positivity, share solutions and support local businesses and your friends and family. Don’t be another ignorant voice in the already viral media coverage.

And friends, remember:

The worse the crisis, the bigger the opportunity.

Stand together, take opportunities and GO ON THE OFFENSIVE.

If you are under 30, it’s time to go offensive and give yourself the best opportunity of your lifetime so far.

Focus on building your cashflow.

Focus on investments.

Focus on diversifying your income streams.

Focus on your health.

Focus on positivity.

If you’re scared, lost or uncertain about your future. Please message me.

I’m happy to chat.

To all my friends who have trusted in me so far to help you make a pivot, thank you! Let's get to work.

For general things to do and be aware of:

1. Wash your hands for more than 30 seconds with warm water and soap after going out.

2. Avoid large crowded places.

3. Don't wear masks unless you’re sick or overly cautious.

4. Boost your immunity through food first and supplement if you aren’t eating well.

5. Don’t panic buy masks and goods, you will leave hospital systems vulnerable.

If this post gives you value, please share it and tag someone who needs to read it.


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