All of You: Your Four-Body System
Kristen Darcy
Author, Intuitive Wellness Coach & Speaker For decades, empowering women to navigate and overcome life’s challenges with intuition, inner wisdom, and resilience
March 28, 2000. 22 years ago (how could this be?)?I testified in front of the Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriation 106th Congress session for Alternative Medicine.
At the time, I had a bit of an out-of-body experience because my fellow presenters were Dr. Dean Ornish, Dr. Hebert Benson and Dr Andrew Weil. I had a total fangirl moment over these leading experts in the mind-body complementary and alternative medicine field.
We were to share and implore the U.S. Senate, Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies, Committee on Appropriations, The sub committee’s Chairman, Hon. Arlen Specter and members Senators Specter, Kyl, Harkin, and Murray about the importance of the expansion budget and work of NIH’s for complementary and alternative medicine. I was honored to be chosen to be part of the witness testimony regarding holistic wellness and shifting the perception to preventive overall health. Read it here:?
The anniversary of me testifying got me reminiscing (aka reliving) about my fertility journey, my shatteredness at that time and life’s moments of crisis. We’ve come a long way regarding the awareness of infertility as a medical diagnosis, the amount of support offerings and the openness of the discussion around infertility.
But there is more to do. There is more to understand.
What I know for sure is… there is more to us.
There is more to our physical body.
We are bigger than our physicality.
We are more powerful than we believe.
When we unify ourselves in balanced wellness we are in our own personal heaven.
I want to share my understanding of the Four Bodies we have and how, when acknowledged and balanced, life shifts to unimaginable levels.?Our four bodies are Physical, Emotional, Mental & Spiritual.
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