All you need to know about Zend framework 3
Vikram Shah
IT Director and Chief Technology Officer [Scrum Master, Software Architect and Full Stack Developer]
What is Zend Framework 3?
For Zend Framework 2 MVC users, the differences are subtle:
- Increased performance; we've measured up to 4X faster applications under PHP 5, and even better performance under PHP 7!
- PHP 7 support.
- A focus on de-coupling packages, to allow re-use in a greater number of contexts. In some cases, this has meant the creation of new packages that either split concerns, or provide integration between multiple components.
- A focus on documentation. Documentation is now included within each component repository, allowing us to block contributions for lack of documentation, as well as automate deployment of documentation. Refer to the new documentation site for the results.
The Zend Framework 3 initiatives also included a number of new features, primarily around PSR-7 (HTTP Message interfaces) support. These include:
- Diactoros, the original and leading PSR-7 implementation in the PHP ecosystem.
- Stratigility, a PSR-7 middleware foundation based on the node.js Sencha Connect.
- Expressive, a PSR-7 middleware microframework.