All You Need To Know About SEO
SEO means ‘search engine optimization’. Basically, how Google finds you. There are a couple of things that you want to be doing to make this easier. You want to be blogging regularly, with each blog post being at least 500 words long and using the keywords that you’re focusing in on. Your keyword may be ‘family counseling’, so you might write a page that's all about family counseling. For example, what does family counseling look like? What do people need to know about family counseling? So, you're building that SEO over time so that you can really rank in Google. There's a great plug-in on WordPress that's called SEO by Yoast. They give you this green light, yellow light, and red light to know how well your page is optimized for a keyword. You can also do what's called the ‘Meta Description’. A Meta Description is that thing that when you Google something, you see the two sentences underneath each one of the options you can click on. That's the Meta Description. So, you want that to be compelling and to pull people in so that they know what your your page is about.