All You Need to Know in Alcohol - Global Drinks Intel Newsletter, Friday 14 Feb

All You Need to Know in Alcohol - Global Drinks Intel Newsletter, Friday 14 Feb

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On Global Drinks Intel this week...

Heineken has closed out 2024 with a healthy lift in sales from the final quarter, but warned that the current three-month period is not without its challenges.

Earlier today, Heineken reported its group sales for the 12 months of 2024. Immediately afterwards, Global Drinks Intel editor Olly Wehring spoke to the group’s CEO, Dolf van den Brink, to hear more about Heineken’s standout performance.

Treasury Wine Estates has chosen not to proceed with a consolidation of its lower-end portfolio, bringing an end to its intention to sell off its ‘commercial’ brands.

On the same day as posting an impressive set of numbers from the six months to the end of December, Treasury Wine Estates served up CEO Tim Ford to share the details behind the half-year performance with Global Drinks Intel editor Olly Wehring.

Molson Coors Beverage Co has posted a disappointing finish to last year, with the last three quarters undoing the good work in Q1.

As mission statements go, EcoSpirits’ is one of the more ambitious out there. After all, ‘to end single use glass in the spirits & wine industry by leading a transition to circular packaging technology’ is a task better suited to the industry as a whole, not just an eight-year-old, Asia-based start-up. However, as founder & CEO Paul Gabie tells Global Drinks Intel editor Olly Wehring, with the backing of a trio of multinational brand owners, EcoSpirits is making headway on its aim.

While most spirits categories will face volume declines in France this year, falling inflation and growing interest in domestically-sourced whiskies, rhum arrangé and cocktails are set to lighten the gloom.

The higher-priced end of the spirits category has registered a second consecutive year of declining sales in the US, according to figures released this week, with the beer category narrowing the gap for alcohol market share.

Also on Global Drinks Intel this week:

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