To all you BLACK LIVES MATTER, Liberals, and Trump Haters.
If you really believe BLM and other hateful things you keep saying about President Trump, chew on this:
You claim you care—all the big cities have been Democrat controlled for decades and looking at the inner cities I would say they haven’t done a very good job, and by the way lone before Trump was president.
Now if you really care, as you say you do, here are some ideas for you to start improving the inner cities.
1: Start letting the police do their job in these areas, thus making them SAFE to live in, do business in, and create opportunity in. Arrest law breakers and KEEP them in jail.
2: Start improving the neighborhoods, you spend millions on pet projects everywhere else, but nothing in the inner cities. Fix the streets, keep them clean, you do it everywhere else in your cities. And not just the black neighborhoods, but all inner city neighborhoods.
3: Make assistance available to property owners so they can update and improve their homes and businesses, thus bringing their values up instead of steady decreasing their value.
4: Help improve their education by allowing school choice and use some of that money to send them to trade, or vocational schools, so they can get a good paying job and advance in society.
This is a short list of starting points, and I am certain there are many more things others can think of to help.
In closing, if all you are doing is yapping about this and that. How about shutting up and start doing something constructive to help. Call your mayor, your city council’s, whoever decides where funding is applied. Work with people from the inner cities to help them accomplish their goals.