All Work and No Play? Or is Work our Play?
I just sent my kid to college and have no regrets Actually I am in the middle of my second kid going to school now. They both are happy to be able to have the opportunity, but I just don't know if that excitement is there after the initial first year of feeling like it's party time and escape from the household rules.
For me college was a great experience. It allowed me to discover the world in a different light. Albeit I did not really partake in much college life. I was busy figuring out how to be a part of the music business. Then I was trying to figure out how to start my own business.
I could not tell you what classes I took at ASU my alma matter. Beside the basic business classes. I can't even tell you what I learned or didn't learn. I can tell you I was determined to become the best record executive Warner Bros Records ever saw. The mentorship that I got from older adults and the actual real life experiences that helped me become the business owner I am today are priceless.
I still am not sure if I fully understand or can even remember all the lessons I learned over time when I was younger. What I can grasp is that all of my life's experiences added up and created a bank. A bank of knowledge, wisdom, mistakes, successes, and passions for what I have become today. I have learned from all of this and continue to learn from it. As the days get shorter and the years fly by. I start to realize that I have something more to give. We never stop learning, but there is a time when we start to give as much as we learn. That is the season of life that I am in now. It is exciting and awakening to be able to help others in this season of my life. Whether it be their personal growth or business growth. It is a gift to just be in this position.
I have chosen over the years to find a community. A community that brings me joy, and a sense of hope that excites me. I now am blessed to be in a position to offer community with others I respect. That is what Jeremy Scott and I are doing now in order to help others with our many years of business experience. We welcome you to take this ride with us and feel uplifted and a part of something bigger than all of us.