All Work and No Play…

All Work and No Play…

A warm welcome to today’s exploration of the secrets of complete wellbeing. Let’s start with a simple question: do you enjoy your work? Take a moment to capture your emotional reaction to that question. How did you feel when you thought about the answer? It’s an important issue because we typically spend about a third of each daily cycle working and that adds up to a large proportion of our lives. Why is this relevant? Because the research tells us that most people really don’t like their job. Does that surprise you? Or are you nodding your head in agreement? Most people spend their time in jobs they don’t like, locked into survival mode to keep their heads above water. The surprising conclusion is that many people at the top of their professions, people earning very large amounts of money, are rarely happy. Something is clearly wrong with this model. We need to consider better alternatives.

A good first step is to take a few minutes to consider your options. Start by imagining yourself in your ideal job. What would you be doing? How would you spend your day? Why aren’t you doing this kind of work right now? What’s stopping you? Ignore the money for a moment. We’re not dismissing the financial aspects of how you earn a living. It’s just that we often use money as an excuse to ignore our dreams and deeper ambitions. Fulfilment can rarely be measured in financial terms. Happiness does not have a price tag. When you consider your work primarily through the lens of a salary, you tend to ignore your deeper needs and potential. Clearly, if we don’t wake up with the light of enthusiasm in our hearts and look forward to the day ahead, something’s missing. Whatever you do today, how you choose to spend your time, this day will never come back. Once it’s over, it’s gone forever. A sobering thought, perhaps, but also a gentle encouragement to make the most of your talents and abilities and find the best way for you to express yourself. Today. This does not always mean that your life will be easier. But it opens up the possibility that your life will be so much more rewarding, satisfying and fulfilling. And with these conditions to look forward to, your chances of success will be powerfully enhanced.


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