Not all virtual experiences are created equal: delivering a superior hybrid SKO
In my last blog I wrote about the traditional sales kick-off meeting no longer being fit for purpose in a modern organisation. With many companies adjusting their operations to a new, post-pandemic way of working, sales leaders acknowledge that the conventional two-day SKO blowout neither hits the mark nor makes commercial sense anymore in today’s economic climate.
One of the clear priorities for an evolved SKO is the inclusion of a virtual element that allows today’s dispersed teams to connect, share, and celebrate with their colleagues regardless of how they participate in the experience. There is no reason why a virtual audience should leave the annual SKO feeling any less informed, entertained, or motivated than those attending in person.
?Some key factors to consider are:
Most importantly, running your SKO in a hybrid format shouldn’t assume that virtual delegates are all participating in isolation from home. In fact, hybrid solutions work particularly well for sales teams that are organised by geography.
Meeting in smaller regional groups combined with a digital element can be very effective, especially when you consider that regional teams often struggle to carve out team planning time in the national or global SKO agenda. Organising ‘viewing parties’ for local teams also makes it easier to prioritise regional or local sales planning.
The opportunity here is to create an experience that is equally positive and energising for all audiences so that your teams feel engaged, connected and motivated for the year ahead wherever they are.
To discover how to maximise the value of your SKO and increase its impact throughout the year, download our eight-step guide to running a modern SKO here.