All Too Real
All Too Real
He said to them
“ I’m sorry you don’t believe me
but I wish that you could feel and see
my heart bleeding and know that
it is all too real
there are those that suffer the weight of indifference
like bringing a cow to a plow dragging its feet
as if the reality and knowledge would hurt them somehow
desperately I want you and I too come together
I want us to heal because we are all brethren
with just different shades of skin
if we all open our hearts the sun
will always find its way too flood in..
I know you don’t believe this
but I cry as much for you as I do for me
I know the weight of bigotry racism and hate
is a terrible burden to carry one
that must keep the carrier constantly
bitter and irate
now is the time for change
the beginning is a handshake
you and I asking each other’s names
over a coffee or a brew a few questions and answers
provocative and thoughtful you hearing me
I hearing you
squeezing out the pain
the more we can squeeze out
the more each of us has too gain
and the police need to stop acting as the overseers
to the slave masters
they need rid themselves of that kind mentality
with their whippings
killing the beatings and the desire to bring back
the hanging trees as if this were again the legal institution
at the height of slavery”
Clyde A. Wray
June 16, 2020
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