All Time Top 50* Most-Cited Artificial Intelligence Articles in Business, Management, and Social Sciences Journals

*According to the Scopus Database as of 17/08/2023.

The term "Artificial Intelligence" (AI) was first introduced by American computer scientist, Professor?John McCarthy,?in 1956. He proposed a summer research project in 1956 at Dartmouth College, an event now recognized as the Dartmouth Workshop. The subsequent years saw a concentrated focus on advancing AI technologies and systems. While the core research predominantly revolved around the technical side of AI, there has also been consistent exploration into its societal and philosophical implications since the 1960s.

According to the Scopus database, the first article to feature the term "Artificial Intelligence" in its title was published in 1962 within?The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science journal. This article was entitled: "Artificial Intelligence: A Frontier of Automation". Fast forward to today, over 8,000 articles with references to AI have appeared in journals dedicated to Business, Management, and Social Sciences. Intriguingly, a large portion of these, with 1,538 articles alone in 2023, have been produced since 2017. Articles from the past five years have received the most citations, indicating a burgeoning interest and acceptance of AI research within Business, Management, and Social Sciences disciplines.

Given the surge in both the volume of publications and their citations, it's evident that AI-centric research in these fields has transitioned into the mainstream. It's only natural to wonder which specific articles have been pivotal in shaping the academic landscape. To satisfy this curiosity, this post present the top 50 most-cited articles in Business, Management, and Social Sciences journals where the term "Artificial Intelligence" is appeared in the title:

[1] Tim Miller (2019).?Explanation in artificial intelligence: Insights from the social sciences. Artificial intelligence, 267, 1-38. Cited 1705 times [Google Citation: 3855]

[2]?Ming-Hui Huang?&?Roland Rust?(2018).?Artificial Intelligence in Service. Journal of Service Research, 21 (2), pp. 155-172. Cited 1024 times. [Google Citation: 1932]

[3]?Andreas Kaplan?&?Michael Haenlein?(2019).?Siri, Siri, in my hand: Who's the fairest in the land? On the interpretations, illustrations, and implications of artificial intelligence. Business Horizons, 62 (1), pp. 15-25. Cited 798 times. [Google Citation: 2116]

[4]?Yanqing Duan,?John Edwards, &?Yogesh K Dwivedi?(2019).?Artificial intelligence for decision making in the era of Big Data – evolution, challenges and research agenda. International Journal of Information Management, 48, pp. 63-71. Cited 778 times. [Google Citation:1378]

?[5]?Yogesh K Dwivedi,?Dr Laurie Hughes,?Elvira Ismagilova,?Gert Aarts,?Crispin Coombs,?Tom Crick MBE,?Yanqing Duan,?Rohita Dwivedi, PhD,?John Edwards,?Aled Eirug,Vassilis Galanos,?P. Vigneswara Ilavarasan.,?Marijn Janssen,?Paul Jones,?Arpan K. Kar,?Dr. Hatice Kizgin,?Bianca Kronemann, Lal, B.,?Biagio Lucini,?Rony Medaglia,?Kenneth Le Meunier-FitzHugh, Le Meunier-FitzHugh, L.C.,?Santosh Misra,?Emmanuel Mogaji,?Sujeet K. Sharma, Singh, J.B.,?Vishnupriya Raghavan,?Dr Ramakrishnan Raman,?Nripendra P. Rana,,?Spyridon Samothrakis,?Jak Spencer,?Kuttimani Tamilmani,?Annie Tubadji,?Paul Walton, &?Michael Williams?(2021).?Artificial Intelligence (AI): Multidisciplinary perspectives on emerging challenges, opportunities, and agenda for research, practice and policy. International Journal of Information Management, 57, art. no. 101994, Cited 695 times. [Google Citation: 1164]

?[6]?Spyros Makridakis?(2017).?The forthcoming Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolution: Its impact on society and firms. Futures, 90, pp. 46-60. Cited 622 times. [Google Citation: 1377]

?[7] Bench-Capon, T.J.M., Dunne, P.E. (2007).?Argumentation in artificial intelligence. Artificial Intelligence, 171 (10-15), pp. 619-641. Cited 574 times. [Google Citation: 976]

?[8]?Michael Haenlein?and?Andreas Kaplan?(2019).?A brief history of artificial intelligence: On the past, present, and future of artificial intelligence. California Management Review, 61 (4), pp. 5-14. Cited 573 times. [Google Citation: 1446]

?[9]?Tom Davenport,?Abhijit Guha,?Dhruv Grewal?& Timna Bressgott (2020).?How artificial intelligence will change the future of marketing. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 48 (1), pp. 24-42. Cited 557 times. [Google Citation: 1110]

?[10]?Mohammad Hossein Jarrahi?(2018).?Artificial intelligence and the future of work: Human-AI symbiosis in organizational decision making. Business Horizons, 61 (4), pp. 577-586. Cited 549 times. [Google Citation: 1206]

?[11] Alex M. Andrew (2005).?Fault Diagnosis: Models, Artificial Intelligence, Applications. Kybernetes, 34 (5), pp. 742-743. Cited 499 times. [Google Citation: 1044]

?[12]?Olaf Zawacki-Richter,?Victoria I. Marín, Melissa Bond &?Franziska Gouverneur?(2019).?Systematic review of research on artificial intelligence applications in higher education – where are the educators??International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 16 (1), art. no. 39, . Cited 474 times. [Google Citation: 1005]

?[13]?Zaheer Allam, PhD, &?Dr Zaynah Dhunny?(2019).?On big data, artificial intelligence and smart cities. Cities, 89, pp. 80-91. Cited 462 times. [Google Citation: 779]

[14]?Chiara Longoni,?Andrea Bonezzi, &?Carey Morewedge?(2019).?Resistance to Medical Artificial Intelligence. Journal of Consumer Research, 46 (4), pp. 629-650. Cited 401 times. [Google Citation: 740]

?[15] Margaret A. Boden (1998).?Creativity and artificial intelligence. Artificial Intelligence, 103 (1-2), pp. 347-356. Cited 383 times. [Google Citation:1003]

[16]?Tom Davenport, &?Rajeev Ronanki?(2018).?Artificial intelligence for the real world. Harvard Business Review, January-February 2018, Cited 373 times. [Google Citation: 990]

?[17]?Ella Glikson?and?Anita Williams Woolley?(2020).?Human trust in artificial intelligence: Review of empirical research. Academy of Management Annals, 14 (2), pp. 627-660. Cited 347 times. [Google Citation: 678]

?[18]?George Baryannis,?Sahar Validi,?Professor Samir Dani?and?Grigoris Antoniou?(2019).?Supply chain risk management and artificial intelligence: state of the art and future research directions. International Journal of Production Research, 57 (7), pp. 2179-2202. Cited 339 times. [Google Citation: 574]

?[19]?Dr. Monika Hengstler,?Ellen Enkel, &?Selina Duelli?(2016).?Applied artificial intelligence and trust-The case of autonomous vehicles and medical assistance devices. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 105, pp. 105-120. Cited 333 times. [Google Citation:589]

[20]?Xueming LUo?,?Siliang (Jack) Tong, Zheng Fang, & Zhe Qu (2019).?Frontiers: Machines vs. humans: The impact of artificial intelligence chatbot disclosure on customer purchases. Marketing Science, 38 (6), pp. 937-947. Cited 325 times. [Google Citation: 618]

?[21] Niladri Syam & Arun Sharma (2018).?Waiting for a sales renaissance in the fourth industrial revolution: Machine learning and artificial intelligence in sales research and practice. Industrial Marketing Management, 69, pp. 135-146. Cited 323 times. [Google Citation: 649]

?[22] Sebastian Raisch &?Sebastian Krakowski?(2021).?Artificial intelligence and management: The automation–augmentation paradox. Academy of Management Review, 46 (1), pp. 192-210. Cited 303 times. [Google Citation: 633]

?[23]?Stefan Popenici?&?Sharon Kerr?(2017).?Exploring the impact of artificial intelligence on teaching and learning in higher education. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 12 (1), art. no. 22, Cited 298 times. [Google Citation: 745]

?[24]?Hamid Nemati, PhD, David Steiger,?Lakshmi Iyer, &?Richard Herschel?(2002).?Knowledge warehouse: An architectural integration of knowledge management, decision support, artificial intelligence and data warehousing, Decision Support Systems, 33 (2), pp. 143-161. Cited 290 times. [Google Citation: 631]

?[25]?Prasanna Tambe,?Peter Cappelli, &?Valery Yakubovich?(2019).?Artificial intelligence in human resources management: Challenges and A path forward. California Management Review, 61 (4), pp. 15-42. Cited 277 times. [Google Citation: 694]

?[26]?Ben Shneiderman?(2020).?Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence: Reliable, Safe & Trustworthy. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 36 (6), pp. 495-504. Cited 276 times. [Google Citation: 495]

?[27]?Tara Qian Sun?&?Rony Medaglia?(2019).?Mapping the challenges of Artificial Intelligence in the public sector: Evidence from public healthcare. Government Information Quarterly, 36 (2), pp. 368-383. Cited 271 times. [Google Citation: 501]

?[28] Alex John London (2019).?Artificial Intelligence and Black-Box Medical Decisions: Accuracy versus Explainability. Hastings Center Report, 49 (1), pp. 15-21. Cited 259 times. [Google Citation: 411]

?[29]?susy di vaio,?Rosa Palladino,?Dr. Rohail Hassan, PhD, FCMI, &?Octavio Escobar?(2020).?Artificial intelligence and business models in the sustainable development goals perspective: A systematic literature review. Journal of Business Research, 121, pp. 283-314. Cited 246 times. [Google Citation: 414]

[30] Saurabh Singh,?Pradip Sharma,?Byungun Yoon,?Mohammad Shojafar, Gi Hwan Cho & In-Ho Ra (2020).?Convergence of blockchain and artificial intelligence in IoT network for the sustainable smart city. Sustainable Cities and Society, 63, art. no. 102364. Cited 244 times. [Google Citation: 324]

?[31]?Ido Roll?&?Ruth Wylie?(2016).?Evolution and Revolution in Artificial Intelligence in Education. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 26 (2), pp. 582-599. Cited 242 times. [Google Citation: 477]

?[32] Bernd Wirtz, Jan Weyerer, & Carolin Geyer (2019).?Artificial Intelligence and the Public Sector—Applications and Challenges. International Journal of Public Administration, 42 (7), pp. 596-615. Cited 241 times. [Google Citation: 532]

?[33]?Corinne Cath, PhD,?Prof Sandra Wachter,?Brent Mittelstadt,?Mariarosaria Taddeo?&?Luciano Floridi?(2018).?Artificial Intelligence and the ‘Good Society’: the US, EU, and UK approach. Science and Engineering Ethics, 24 (2), pp. 505-528. Cited 241 times. [Google Citation: 606]

?[34]?Iis Tussyadiah?(2020).?A review of research into automation in tourism: Launching the Annals of Tourism Research Curated Collection on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics in Tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 81, art. no. 102883, Cited 240 times. [Google Citation: 394]

?[35]?Keng Siau?and Weiyu Wang (2018).?Building trust in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and robotics. Cutter business technology journal, 31 (2), pp. 47-53. Cited 240 times. [Google Citation: 512

?[36] D. Marr (1977).?Artificial intelligence-A personal view. Artificial Intelligence, 9 (1), pp. 37-48. Cited 240 times. [Google Citation: 689]

?[37]?Dr. Surajit Bag, Jan Pretorius, Shivam Gupta,?Yogesh K Dwivedi?(2021).?Role of institutional pressures and resources in the adoption of big data analytics powered artificial intelligence, sustainable manufacturing practices and circular economy capabilities. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 163, art. no. 120420, Cited 236 times. [Google Citation: 311]

?[38]?Rameshwar Dubey,?Angappa Gunasekaran,?Stephen Childe,?David Bryde,?Mihalis Giannakis,?Cyril R.H. Foropon, PhD,?David Roubaud, & Benjamin Hazen (2020).?Big data analytics and artificial intelligence pathway to operational performance under the effects of entrepreneurial orientation and environmental dynamism: A study of manufacturing organisations. International Journal of Production Economics, 226, art. no. 107599, Cited 231 times. [Google Citation: 334]

?[39]?Sukhpal Singh Gill,?Shreshth Tuli,?Minxian Xu, Inderpreet Singh, Karan Vijay Singh, Dominic Lindsay, Shikhar Tuli, @Daria Smirnova, Manmeet Singh, Udit Jain,?Haris Pervaiz, Bhanu Sehgal, Sukhwinder Singh Kaila,?Sanjay Misra,?Mohammad Sadegh Aslanpour, Harshit Mehta,?Vlado Stankovski, &?Peter Garraghan?(2019).?Transformative effects of IoT, Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence on cloud computing: Evolution, vision, trends and open challenges. Internet of Things (Netherlands), 8, art. no. 100118, . Cited 230 times. [Google Citation: 326]

?[40] Yang, K.-C., Varol, O., Davis, C.A., Ferrara, E., Flammini, A., Menczer, F. (2019).?Arming the public with artificial intelligence to counter social bots. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 1 (1), pp. 48-61. Cited 225 times. [Google Citation: 413]

?[41]?Rusul L. Abduljabbar,?Hussein Dia,?Sohani Liyanage,?and?Saeed Asadi Bagloee?(2019).?Applications of artificial intelligence in transport: An overview. Sustainability (Switzerland), 11 (1), art. no. 189, Cited 224 times. [Google Citation: 404]

?[42]?Ming-Hui Huang?&?Roland Rust?(2021).?A strategic framework for artificial intelligence in marketing. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 49 (1), pp. 30-50. Cited 220 times. [Google Citation: 458]

?[43]?David Brougham?and?Jarrod Haar,?(2018).?Smart Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Algorithms (STARA): Employees' perceptions of our future workplace. Journal of Management and Organization, 24 (2), pp. 239-257. Cited 219 times. [Google Citation: 475]

?[44]?Jun (Justin) Li,?Mark Bonn, & Ben Haobin Ye (2019).?Hotel employee's artificial intelligence and robotics awareness and its impact on turnover intention: The moderating roles of perceived organizational support and competitive psychological climate. Tourism Management, 73, pp. 172-181. Cited 215 times. [Google Citation: 367]

?[45]?Daniel Belanche,?Luis Casaló, &?Carlos Flavian?(2019).?Artificial Intelligence in FinTech: understanding robo-advisors adoption among customers. Industrial Management and Data Systems, 119 (7), pp. 1411-1430. Cited 204 times. [Google Citation: 402]

?[46]?Yang Lu?(2019).?Artificial intelligence: a survey on evolution, models, applications and future trends. Journal of Management Analytics, 6 (1), pp. 1-29. Cited 204 times. [Google Citation: 313]

?[47] Aoun, J.E. (2017). Robot-proof: Higher education in the age of artificial intelligence. Robot-Proof: Higher Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, pp. 1-187. Cited 202 times. [Google Citation: 865]

?[48]?Andrea L. Guzman,?&?Seth Lewis?(2020).?Artificial intelligence and communication: A Human–Machine Communication research agenda. New Media and Society, 22 (1), pp. 70-86. Cited 201 times. [Google Citation: 425]

?[49] Raffaele Cioffi, Marta Travaglioni,?Giuseppina Piscitelli,?Antonella Petrillo?&?Fabio De Felice?(2020).?Artificial intelligence and machine learning applications in smart production: Progress, trends, and directions. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12 (2), art. no. 492, Cited 200 times. [Google Citation: 362]

?[50] Deyi Li & Yi Du (2007).?Artificial intelligence with uncertainty. CRC Press. Cited 200 times. [Google Citation: 1138]

Of the 50 most-cited articles listed above, 19 were published in 2019. Thus, it seems that 2019 was a turning point for research on Artificial Intelligence in the context of Business, Management, and Social Sciences.

Sukhpal Singh Gill

Editor-in-Chief, Leadership, 1M+ Impressions, Teacher, Learner

6 个月

Many thanks Muhammad Qaswer for including our article.


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