Not All Things, Just the Main Things

Not All Things, Just the Main Things


One of the key markers of growth is the ability to recognize that all things do not come equal, and thus, practice selective focus. What is selective focus?

????????????? The concept of selective focus is built on the premise that man’s energy is finite, but the number of things demanding his attention are infinite. Of those infinite things, only a handful really count. Therefore, being able to choose the things that count and intentionally give your all to them is described as selective focus.

It means that you have learned to ignore the irrelevant and double down on the relevant. It means that you no longer try to do everything, you just work hard on the things that matter most. It’s like the 80/20 rule, which argues that 80% of the results you seek in life lie in 20% of the things you do.

At its core, selective focus starts with wholly observing that maxim often attributed to Socrates, “man, know thyself.” Knowing yourself breeds the freedom needed to intensely focus. You’re no longer a leaf in the hand of the wind, but a solid rock that cannot be swayed by the next big trend. You know your passions, you know your potentials. Your purpose is clear and backed by a vision that you’ve vouched to see accomplished within your lifetime.

????????????? And so you do not wake up each day asking, what shall I do today to seem like everybody? You wake up asking, what must I do, based on where I’m headed, to move a few steps ahead? Notice that the former question keeps you in motion, but does not help you progress. In my experience, many people turn to thing that motion and movement are the same. They believe ?that both the man on a rocking chair and the man striding down the road are experiencing movement. This is not true. While the man on the ?rocking chair is swaying back and forth, his position is the same. If you were ever on a seesaw, you know what I mean. The man striding down the road is moving with purpose and intention, his direction is not in doubt. He is making progress, as a result of his ability to selectively focus on that road.

????????????? High performers are high performers because they’ve learned this truth: That less is more. So they don’t use every sales strategy and tactic, they use a combination of a few sales strategies and tactics guaranteed to produce the highest sales. They don’t respond to every email, they respond to the few that matter to their business or career. They don’t read everything, they read the things that count. They don’t seek to acquire every skill, to take every course. No. These people know, as William Bruce Cameron summarized; that “not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts.”

????????????? In a world where noise is limitless, selective focus can be an invaluable tool for ensuring that your destiny is not drowned in loud emptiness. It can increase your productivity, as well as help you enjoy a less stressful and more fulfilled life.

In essence, selective focus is about making conscious choices about how you spend your money, energy, attention and time. It's about eliminating distractions, focusing on what truly matters, and making consistent progress towards your goals. This will help you, but only if you use it.

?I can’t wait to meet you at the top…

?Njukang Princeley

Writer, Journalist.



