We hear a lot about equality. The real question is, what is equality? Then once it is defined, can equality, by definition, be achieved? If you do an internet search on equality, you can find a lot of information about what equality really is. One statement I came across that made a lot of sense to me was “If two things are exactly alike, they should be called identical not equal.” Basically, below the surface, equality is a relative term.

?When people cry out for equality, they are often crying for the opportunity to be treated the same as others. While this is a good and pleasant thought, is it really what people want? As an example, if you are a parent of more than one child, do you have equal expectations of them as far as school goes? Now you can say that you always expect them to do their best, however, do you expect equal results? We all know that doesn’t always happen. Both students may have an equal opportunity to learn but that does not always translate into understanding, so one child may get better grades than the other. If a parent expects child B to live up to child A, is that equality?

?Friends, God knows that we are equal in the fact that we all have sinned (Romans 3:23) and the living God is our Savior (I Timothy 4:10). In God’s eyes, we all are equal in value. Every single one of us is worth the blood Jesus shed for us on the cross. With that being said, we all are not equal in our spiritual gifts. In the parable of the talents, Jesus says that each servant was given talents according to their ability. Paul describes how we all have different talents within the body. Even though we may not have equal talents, all of our talents are equally important.

?Most people do not want equality, they want special treatment. Think about it like this, we want to be co-heirs with Jesus, but do we want the same treatment He endured? Do we really have the attitude of Paul? Notice Philippians 3:10-11-that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death; 11?in order that I may attain to the resurrection from the dead. Too often, people want the reward without paying the price.

?Every person has an equal opportunity to be saved. It is up to the individual to be obedient to gospel. God sees all of us as equal, however, not as identical!


Read Ephesians 4:11-16


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