To All The Teachers
Guru Gowrappan
president/advisor, viasat. former ceo yahoo/verizonmedia, global md alibaba, coo zynga. overture / goto. board @bny @water. curiosity rules. stay humble and hungry.
Teacher Appreciation Week has taken on a new meaning. As classes, curriculums and schools shifted to remote learning, teachers around the world remained committed to their students and mission: help individuals learn the classroom material and help them develop skills that would make them better people beyond the classroom. I’m incredibly proud of how Verizon has stepped up to support the teachers who are supporting the next generation of global citizens. From the New York Times partnership to the Verizon Innovative Learning program, increased data limits and reduced pricing for underserved students in California, the ethos of moving #forwardtogether has never been more true.
I was fortunate to have several formative teachers growing up, and the lessons they imparted on me continue to guide my day-to-day choices. I want to particularly thank: my physics teacher, Sanjay sir, who, after my less-than-sparkling performance on a midterm, taught me the importance of working hard in the short term for the benefit of the long term. My english teacher, Balan sir, who reminded me that we were studying hard to make our dreams—and those of our parents—come true. My mathematics teacher, Neera ma’am, who taught us both math fundamentals and the concept that, in life, 1+1 does not always equal 2. These messages resonated with me back then and continue to inform my work ethic, philosophy, and love of learning. There are many other teachers to whom I owe my sincerest thanks and acknowledgement; I am forever grateful for their guidance, wisdom and for pushing me to be a better version of myself.
To all the teachers who are committed to their students, particularly during these trying times—thank you. The lessons you are teaching today go on to serve us even beyond the classroom.