To all the talents
The Vatican

To all the talents

The well known tennis player Bj?rn Borg was mentally strong and most likely the most stable players ever seen on the tennis court. His philosophy was 'simple' - focus on the present ball not on the previous or on the next. It takes a great mental capacity actually being able to take out all disappointments and erase negative thoughts if the previous ball was lost but unfortunately the ball can not be repeated and therefore a total waste of mental resources even to consider what went wrong. You do simply not have the time for that. Your only chance is to prepare for the next to come.

When listening to young high potentials throughly planning their careers it seems as if the only ball worth playing is the next - what to do in the future instead of being present. It is great to have a plan but unforeseen things will occur and you should spend time on mastering the present and change.

I often tell the talents that you build a house with competence and that this process must be great fun. If you enjoy the different phases the possibility of achieving a satisfactory result is fairly good. You need to enjoy what you do - nothing great is build without enthusiasm. My observation is clearly that the young breed expect being able to plan their lives as if constructing a model in excel and as if logic rules life.

Once you are no longer afraid of loosing control you will gain more. This is utmost important for them to understand. Life is not a linear movement but an experience if you manage to grasp that the only thing you can do in order to win a match is to focus on each separate ball and trying your utmost to win the point and not the least - enjoy playing. If you do not enjoy it you will not make it in the long run - surely you will not be happy.

A lot of talented people are out there - but for heavens sake play your ball and make your own game and win your match. Why play on other courts than your own. Listen to your own voice if you know it - if you do not - focus on that asap.

The most prosperous people I have met did not have a detailed plan for their lives but they composed unique qualifications and in some cases the future came to them as they were openminded. They even had friends on the side and an acceptable work-life balance because they understood the importance of taking care of themselves. No one else will.

If you want an additional statement please listen to the lyrics of Baz Luhrmann on Youtube?- the class of 99-WEAR SUNSCREEN.

Per Bj?rkum

Direkt?r marked og kommunikasjon, Advansia

1 年

Agree, indeed! So important to focus on the present ball, and have fun when playing it - that is what creates great results, and opens door for the next position.

Tone Langbach

Hjelper restauranter med l?nnsom vekst. Virkningsfull leder som gjennomf?rer. Styreverv. @Boostadvise

1 年

"Your choices are half chance, so are everybody else's" I wish I knew this when 20?? But what I always has followed; "Dance, even if you have nowhere to do it but your own living room"????


Lars, this is very well written and I agree very much with your advice - Take care of the present challenges and perform to best of your abilities is the way of caring for your future. Having fun while performing makes it even more life fulfilling.

Joachim H.

Partner @ Turnstone | Investor | Financial Economist

1 年

Lars, this is spot on. You usually have to win the present deal to be cable to continue to the next one. Or, in this time of war in Ukraine, survive today to fight tomorrow. It is also, as you allude to, a more fullfilling life to focus on the present and take it from there. Life is here and now!

Dr. Finn Majlergaard ????????

Gugin helps European businesses leveraging the cultural diversity to boost competitive advantage, innovation and agility ?? Gugin train leaders ?? Gugin creates winning company cultures ?? Get in touch

1 年

Young people are rarely talented as they lack life experience


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