All surveys are right until the actual outcomes prove them wrong- Time to look at New Things

The Right and Wrong of Survey Methods

All surveys are right until the actual outcomes prove them wrong, and more and more trend of surveys/polls going wrong, except the ones which are difficult to validate. What do I mean by "difficult to validate", read my future posts on this subject, addressing the "Static Analytics" that goes behind it - survey-agency often quotes and connects to historic-data + current poll as data set, this is right only from a 40,000 ft view, it never works on the ground ! way out Deep Learning, System Dynamics Modeling, Convolutional Neural Nets, - read my future posts on "New wave Survey Techniques" !

Signal and Noise ! failure or the established ?

Even Signal the Signal and Noise Guru, Nate Silver , Missed the "Signal" ,, was it about the Noise really overriding the real signal or was it about looking at a different signal altogether !, Is it about the Data-not right, the Method not right or a Mix of both or is it just the Bias of the Polling agents !, or is it about "who sponsored the survey ?" Time is perhaps right to change the way we go about surveys - as I said Deep Learning, Systems Dynamics, Convolutional Neural Networks, very large scale NLP (natural language processing), de-noising the unstructured data - we have the right technology to do all this -more so we now have the technologies to identify, extract and connect deep-history not just add/subtract/multiply the trends !

Is Emergence of Adaptive and Deep data Survey Methods the next thing ?

Watch for my future posts on this subject


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