It all starts with you.

It all starts with you.

Self-awareness is the ability to see ourselves clearly. But what does that really mean?

We are all probably guilty of looking in the mirror at least once a day, instantly starting to critique our physicals looks. Our blemishes, grey hairs, wrinkles, or for those who have mastered positive self-talk, the smoothness of your skin, or the twinkle in your eye or the shininess of your hair. Either way, what you notice will shape your opinion as to how you feel people will see you that day.

But what if we looked in the mirror for something different?

What if we looked to understand WHO we can see, rather than WHAT we see? What if we wanted to gain a view as to how people will experience us on that day instead of how you look?

Self-awareness should take you to this level of reflection, but it is something that many of us lack, even though it’s the one thing that can really help our state of mind.

In a recent study 95% of people interviewed believed they had strong levels of self-awareness, but when assessed further, the real number was closer to 15%!

That’s a shocking difference and is probably the main reason why so many people are dissatisfied with life.

So the skill of introspection is critical. Find it and it can release new levels of ?self-esteem and carve a path for self-development.

Self-awareness gives you the capacity to learn from your mistakes as well as your successes.. so looking for the answers in the mirror is a good starting point. Look beyond your physical image....look into your eyes, dig deep into your soul.

·????????Who are you at your best?

·????????Who are you for others?

·????????How you fit into the world?

Be warned though, you may not always like what you see, but even those insights will present you with the opportunity to change. The opportunity to be more in tune and relaxed with who you actually can be.

On the other hand, looking for the good, versus looking for the bad, releases positivity. Be prepared for the fact that you may actually like who you see. Those who understand their best selves are usually:

-?????????More creative

-?????????Have more fulfilling relationships

-?????????Be better communicators

-?????????Be good leaders and

-?????????Generally more content with life.

But, how do you get there? Understanding why you do the things you do, or don’t is also important here. Knowing the actions that serve you well and understanding the distractions that don’t, can be eye opening. (Even something as simple as how often you pick up your phone to have a look at one notification, and yet 20 minutes later you are scrolling meaninglessly, can affect who you are that day.)

So what can you do to help improve your self-awareness?

Make time for you – practice mindfulness, start to notice how much time you allow yourself to have on your own in your own thoughts.

Monitor what you do during the day - which good routines and habits get you through the day, what bad habits or distractions take you off track?

Keep a journal – start to notice how you feel at the end of each day and why that is. Note what went well and what didn’t. What emotions did you experience and why? ?

Ask for feedback – listening to others about the impact you have on them can be really enlightening.

Talk to someone about it – share with someone you trust the things that you are learning about yourself. The more you can express it, the easier it is to form reasoned views and opinions.

Read more – there are so many interesting books on self-awareness and development. Most don’t need to be read cover to cover, they can be flicked and dipped for inspirational golden nuggets.

Be profiled – there are many useful assessment tools that will present findings for you to reflect on.

Obviously, the more time you invest in this area of personal development, the quicker you will find your own levels of happiness and success.

?So, the starting point to all of this? The next time you look in the mirror, don’t just look at what you can see, start looking for who you really are!?


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