All Roads Lead to Videos
Namrata Singh
Head-Demand Generation,ONDC(DPI), Storyteller, Improviser,Running The Good Game Startup Lab,Also consult via The 1st Principle. Interested in solving for #hard human-tech layered problems.
Digital is all about Video Based Storytelling in 2019.
And with the OTT Explosion,everyone tells you they can do it!
Ad guys cannot naturally jump to Films
Film guys cannot naturally jump to Ads
Digital guys are not born for Video.Yet.
Ad and Film Guys may not be #TheSuitableBoys for Web!
Digital is also a #Feminine Medium which requires a completely different narrative style and invisibility of camera and writing.It's personal ALWAYS.
Who am I to say?You ask!
I am the #DigitalNative and #doer since 2005.I know Digital Content and its Audience.
After listening to the Film guys tell me they know better and Ad guys telling me they know even better and all the Web guys being part of #MeToo here are my two bits on Digital Video Production:
- Digital is only about the narrative.
- Narrative needs comfort and familiarity!
- Pre Shoot planning and rapport will matter way more than you equipment and all your ask for bloated teams.
- If you are a closed Director type person,God help you in Digital.
- Idea is to play.
- Idea is to use what you have and make all your subjects your best friends.
- Your sensibility will show through at all times.
- Shorter films require all heart and emotional quotient.Your dictatorship and vision are not so important.Your heart is.
- Don't fall for any credentials.Look for the capacity to grow and be uncomfortable.Digital is uncomfortable.
- Look for people who have a contrary view and a problem solving approach.Not the #INeed #IAm types.
- Best actor won't save you.All the money won't save you.Knowing how to tell a story where engagement is instant and real time will.Audience makes the video with you and you are not making it for them.There is no top down.
Don't fall for all the big talk and one hit wonders.Or you will have #WebSeries that look like 90s TV or a mix of #SacredGames and #GangsOfWasseypur
Stay away from the #Yuppy.No sensibility.All borrowed and copied at best.
Yes you can't be #Metoo here either.You cant make a #NarcoType or #13ReasonsType or any other type.
You will have to dig deep and make your own type and then break the mould while you are at it constantly!
Are you in touch with your own emotions?Base Requirement to do this work!
Your #Fake and #Produced will show.Its a fast,here today,gone tomorrow medium requiring deep work.
Tough call:)!Not for the comfort seeker,genre/medium specialist!Change is the only constant.
Love the innovations in Minimal Teams,Equipment or lack thereoff,Lighting,Sound,Shot Taking,Editing,Post Production and more when it comes to Digital Content.
No you can't shoot on your phone/gopro either.Its not that simple!
Intention-To make a Credible Web Video in Less than 5k and In less than 3 Days with Minimal Teams and Equipment.On it!Join in!Not because we are cheap but because we want to tell more stories without barriers and commissioning!
We are all born creative and born storytellers.Don't let anyone tell you otherwise!
UI/UX Consultant
5 年Excellent article Nam ??????