All the Pieces
Larry C Johnson
Marquis Who's Who World Humanitarian showing nonprofit leaders how to achieve financial security through sustainable philanthropic revenue.
The journey to create an unstoppable philanthropic program which moves an organization to higher and higher heights can have a lot of moving parts.
That being said, there are THREE, that if included and integrated with each other and within the culture of the organization will, indeed, yield unqualified success.
Let’s look at them.
First, it’s about having a purpose or organizational goal that resonates
The organization’s fundamental purpose, their raison d'être, must appeal to those who would INVEST in the organization.
Notice I DIDN’T SAY staff, executive or even board members.?
Not even the “funders” whoever the hell they are.
Nonprofit executives and fundraisers throw the word “funder” around as though there’s some sort of group “out there” who are just looking, just waiting to throw money their way if the right words are said.
For the record, I loathe that word. Impersonal, bloodless. All things that philanthropy is decidedly NOT.
Second, trust is ESSENTIAL.? This is trust between the INVESTORS and the ENTIRE ORGANIZATION, at all levels.? Sure, we expect investments to be properly recorded and acknowledged.? Even applied in the way the investor intended.?
I’m talking, however, about RADICAL trust
Believe me it’s out there but it’s NOT EASY.
This level of openness is RARELY achieved but should ALWAYS be the aspiration.
If you REALLY WANT to become great.? REALLY GREAT.? THINK TWICE before you try.? However, if you’ve got the fortitude—some call it “guts”—
At the Eight Principles we’ll get you there--and cheer you on along the way.
Let’s get ready.? Talk to us.
Larry is the founder of The Eight Principles and the recipient of Marquis Who’s Who World Humanitarian Award, having raised $1billion for worthy charitable organizations. ?He works with nonprofit leaders enabling them to achieve financial security for their organizations.
Want to offer a story of your own?? Give him a call.