"All people need is a little care"

"All people need is a little care"

November is World Prematurity Day. In the US, 1 in 10 babies are born too soon. We want to share the story of a family we are honored to have walked alongside, from preemie in the NICU to tornado toddler!

"I was crying my first day in the NICU, just gazing at my son with tubes and wires, getting his heels poked to check his blood. The [parent coach] saw me. She SAW me. It wasn’t avoidance of the awkward difficult situation. She didn’t look away from my pain. She stepped towards it. She shared how she lost hers, and that’s why she does this to support mothers in one of the hardest situations that can happen in life. All people need is a little care. It was a small gesture with incredible impact for me."

"First pregnancy labor can feel like such a whirlwind, but you persevere in anticipation of finally holding that tiny, fragile new piece of your life. The pressure releases from your hips and you wonder what is happening. The staff finally places him on your chest. “Hi baby, you’re so beautiful, I love you…” you feel loving excitement, then concern because he isn’t crying. They take him off your chest. You learn he had the umbilical cord around his neck. Now he is crying, and you think you’re all good, but no he has high bilirubin. He needs to stabilize his blood sugar before you can take him home. Sadness, feeling of failure, stress. I just want him home. I want to rest. I want my baby.

It took me a few days to realize the blessing in disguise of having a baby in NICU. The NICU nurses not only reassure me that his condition is common, but also answer the questions that pop up in the first few days of having a new baby. Is this normal? Am I producing enough milk? The tricks of the trade that only someone who cares for babies constantly would know. It served as a comfort and a fantastic learning experience.

I no longer saw the issues with my son as a personal failure but an opportunity to transition to full time motherhood with a compassionate team of experienced and communicative nurses. If it weren’t for the quality of the staff I would look back and think what a dreadful time to be separated from my newborn. Their expertise and gentle hand are the reason I was able to easily find gratitude in that difficult time.

Now he is happy, healthy, and strong. Our little tornado toddler!

In honor of World Prematurity Day, help us provide ongoing support for NICU families. Consider a recurring gift of $10/month to support 1 out of 10 babies born in Colorado who are premature. Donate Today


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