It IS all in our heads

It IS all in our heads


"Having helped thousands of patients with stress and chronic pain problems since 1991, I’ve yet to experience such a simple, yet powerfully effective technique as the “stress relief in 1 minute” or the “stress breaker” as done by Mike Menkes. This is a game changer!" Dr. Wade Baskin, PT, DPT, Dip. Osteopractic, Cert. SMT, Cert. DN

Mike just held the back of my head for 2 minutes while I was sitting in a chair and my back pain is gone.” Bank America officer 6 months pregnant.

It works!” Clifton Thomas, MD – Nacogdoches Texas

My headache is gone. I can see better.” B A Budd 75

One patient reported that he felt no change. The next day he called to tell me that he did not grind his teeth during sleep.

Cranial treatment for neck and shoulder pain by holding the back of Martika's head at the convergence = origins of occipito-frontalis muscles, greater occipital nerves, Gall Bladder 19, while I resist her gentle neck extension?[up to one pound for one minute, then she is told to get up and to walk to reinstate neuro-muscular re-education. - the patient controls the pressure so it can never be too much.?

My technique only requires the patient to sit for one minute, anywhere. No treatment table required.?

I describe my protocol as "reverse acupessure." The patient is active and the therapist is passive, contrary to almost all forms of physical manipulation. By relieving pressure ABOVE the top of your spinal column, your brain-body connection will readily de-stress and go to parasympathetic status via the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal [HPA] axis.?

Walking 10-20 steps after treatment creates a neuromuscular re-education.

5 minute video on the origins of my protocol

Stress-Breaker - YouTube

Safe and effective as a stand-alone therapy and as the first treatment prior to: chiropractic, massage, physical therapy, acupuncture, counseling, Reiki, reflexology, TENS, Guided Imagery, Ayurveda, Naturopathy, breathwork, herbs, emotional release, counselling, mental slumps, artist and sports enhancement, rapid post-op surgery recovery.

Alleviate computer eye strain, migraines, neck and shoulder tension, cortisol, fatigue, anxiety, ADD, bruxism, TMJ, ADHD, post-traumatic stress disorder, carpal tunnel syndrome, PTSD, diminished brain function, repetitive strain syndrome, caregiver stress in one minute.

Enhance cognitive function, vision, creativity, athletic performance, mood, posture, post-op recovery, hormone balance, and dissociation from the patient's misdiagnosis and symptoms mismanagement.

My technique may be used solo, as pre-treatment and in combination with other modalities to enhance treatment results.

When intracranial pressure is relieved and the patient attains parasympathetic status, secondary issues that were blocked by HPA axis dysfunction become apparent and will guide you to a treatment plan for the underlying conditions.

"Treat the origin 1st not the symptom."?

Question: What actually is the reason for so many positive changes in one minute? My hypothesis = pineal gland function is enhanced via the lowering of intracranial pressure.

I am available to demonstrate and to teach professionals, caregivers, parents, military, corporate employees, first responders, couples, classes.

Remote teaching is available.

Mike Menkes 9548708720 WhatsApp +19548708720



