All in One Day help for Developers Lenders and Realtors
I have a very smart developer client who shares all his thoughts by e-mail. Since I am a bit older, I prefer to talk rather than type.
The developer had a VA buyer's lender working on a Project Approval for a small condo project. He mentioned the lender had received a deficiency letter from the VA and was concerned since the condo project was completed and the veteran wanted to close escrow.
The VA buyers' realtor rushed to the lenders defense when I advised the developer I could resolve this situation very quickly. The realtor for the VA buyer wrote: "I don't know much about VA Condo Project approvals but if you explain to the lender what to do, I think he can handle this". I said nothing at this point during the e-mail string. My developer client jumped in and typed: "No, this will go back and forth between the lender and the VA with numerous deficiency notices and this will never get approved. I want Brian to handle this and get it done".
The realtor and lender were silent. I agreed to handle this approval. Since I did the legal documentation for the project and know what is needed for a small (2-4 Units) condo project approval, as well as can explain a "cloud condo" and why there are no monthly assessments, I put everything together in one (1) business day.
I submitted the condo project to the VA on Friday morning at 7:00 am. Later that morning at 8:11 am, I received a notice the submission was reviewed, complete and sent for approval by the VA legal department.
I received VA condo project approval, based on a VA attorney opinion letter included with the submission, at 1:00 pm the same Friday.
All in one day.
My developer client did not call on a telephone to thank me. He did send an e-mail: "Great Job !" The lender also sent an e-mail with appreciation for my efforts. Silence from the realtor who rose to the lender's defense.
My brother , who is also an attorney, once said that people under a certain age prefer to "type and text" rather than "talk on a telephone". He added that people over that certain age prefer to "talk on a telephone."
I am glad I could help another veteran in the purchase of a home. They risk their lives protecting our freedom.
I am thankful my daughter, who is also an attorney, calls on a telephone while she is walking the family dog twice a day and we talk. I would rather hear her voice than read a text.