All the nukes are ready. -Nature
With more than 300 deaths and 13,800+ confirmed cases of infected people(in China alone), the novel coronavirus is spreading extremely fast. If we talk about India, there are already 11 suspected cases undergoing checkups at RML hospital in the city, 2 confirmed cases of infection in Kerala and the 600 people airlifted from Wuhan have been kept in quarantine.
We should be geared up. The bullets are flying. We must take action. We need to be prepared to face the worst. By 'we' I refer to all of us as 'humans' and not just citizens of a particular country.
I am not at all capable enough to direct you to what to do but I would like to share my thoughts, ideas and some suggestions. I strongly believe that we can play our part in being responsible citizens by starting at home.
We need to create awareness. The government has taken commendable steps to gear up against this possible problem but even in institutions like IITs, a major chunk of people have no information (like actually absolute zero) about it. I am saying this from personal experience, after talking with numerous friends. We need to tell people everything about this issue. The major steps taken by the government of India include-
1. A special helpline number (+91 011 23978046) has been set up to offer easy access to help and information.
2. The export of PPEs (especially the N95 masks) has been banned. It even includes any type of fabric/cloth which can be used to protect oneself from inhaling droplets.
3. Contacted China and brought back more than 600 Indian citizens stranded in Wuhan. A special quarantine facility has been set up the army in Manesar, where these people will be kept for a minimum of 2 weeks.
4. Sea routes - Directed all ports of the country to screen each and every person disembarking from any ship what-so-ever.
5. Press Release - Issued advisory based on Indian traditional medicine practices. It also includes other general preventive measures that should be followed.
(see here-
We need to accept that we (the general public) may not have the required expertise to discover a cure for the virus. But we are humans, and we know how to solve a problem. We need to come up with innovative ideas that are feasible to be implemented in our country in case the situation worsens. Feasibility is a serious factor here. For example, In Wuhan currently, there are drones (equipped with loudspeakers, cameras, and disinfectants) being used to monitor people, create awareness and spray disinfectants in the whole city. Obviously, this is not a feasible idea to be implemented in India.
This is all that I have been able to think of about the steps that can be taken right now. Will be sharing more ideas soon. And here's a fact - Several doctors from the US have stated that the disease can be transmitted asymptomatically ( i.e the disease can spread even when people have no symptoms). If this turns out to be true, then there will be serious problems.
What do you think we (as humans) can do apart from this to help the world from this possible pandemic? What are your views about different countries air-lifting "their" people from Wuhan even though the disease might be transferred asymptomatically?
Before ending this, I would like to applaud the people who stayed back in Wuhan on their own accord to help others, despite their home countries sending help to get them back. This group of people also includes 25 brave Indian citizens.
I don't mean to be rude or harsh towards anyone. Sorry if I sound rude or xenophobic. Open to discuss.