Chris Surel
LinkedIN Top Voice | Performance Recovery & Sleep Coach | SPIEGEL Bestselling Author | TEDx Speaker | Podcast-Host AUF & UP
Many people who track their sleep put way too much pressure on the data of a single night. If they don’t have great values in the morning they feel tired and maybe even disappointed and beat themselves up for not having “performed” well at night.
Don’t do that! I’m a big believer in the benefits of measuring your sleep and other bodily functions...
It’s not about your data of a single night. It’s about your weekly, monthly, yearly and lifetime trends.
It’s not about the exceptions, it’s about your routines.
There are so many reasons why you could have a “bad” night: you are more stressed than normal or maybe even more excited (like me last night??).
You can handle a bad night’s sleep every now and then.
Our body is a wonderful system to handle these irregularities.
Instead of stressing too much on the exceptions, become fanatic about your trends.
"Become Fanatic About Your Trends."
Because they will determine how you will feel, perform and live for the rest of your life.
Do you agree? Disagree? Let me know in the comments...
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