All Natural Aromatherapy Cleaning
Christina Ditzel Better Cleaning Better Health Better You
“Good Company in a Journey Makes the Way Seem Shorter.” — Izaak Walton
Allow me to introduce myself. If you don’t already know me, I am Christina with CMD Cleaning Medics. I spent a few years going to school before I decided to start this all natural aromatherapy cleaning company. After changing my majors and educational path, I decided to start a cleaning company that would focus on healthier environments and offer an aromatherapy style of cleaning. All the solutions I use are made from all natural essential oils. That means they are good for your health and the end result is an amazing intoxicating aroma that is soothing to all your senses. I couldn’t believe all the statistics and story’s I had heard of people getting Asthma just from being around harsh chemicals and cleaning agents. It was really disturbing, especially when I grew up with my mom who had been using harsh chemicals for her cleaning business for years.
Lets face it, anything that brings a delightful aroma into our home, always sends us to a more relaxed and calm place. Long story short, I made the decision to start a cleaning company that would leave everyone feeling like they just came out of a spa. Relaxed, calm and clean fresh aromas. One that would provide a natural aromatherapy cleaning with healthier solutions that make every room smell and feel amazing. This is great for vacation rentals and for homeowners who are trying to sell their homes as well. Adding a personal touch of essential oils and aroma of your choice will always set the mood.
As for my staff, I keep it small, but they are an amazing group of individuals. They have worked with me for some time and I teach them to always treat each space with the mentality of “Work it like you own it” Meaning, “We don't cut corners, we sterilize them”! This is where our 100% Guarantee comes in. We will always finish the job to your standards or we will come back at no extra charge to you. That is confidence!!!!
CMD Cleaning Medics, care about your image and the presence of your overall business success. I would love to meet with you and talk about how my team and I can help you stay within budget while keeping your rental properties clean, sanitized and looking and smelling amazing. OUR PROMISE TO YOU: We will always work diligently to make your properties look good and ready for showing while we provide an Eco-friendly, healthy, aromatherapy experience. If you would like to get together and discuss a goal that will keep your guests healthy and happy while staying within a reasonable financial plan that works best for your business, don't hesitate any longer. Choose CMD Cleaning Medics to keep your office and homes presentable and ready for presentation! After all, if you look good, so does CMD Cleaning Medics! Because we know your time is limited, we will end this with one last thought in mind:
If you feel you might need an upgrade with a commercial cleaning company who is committed to helping you make a HUGE DIFFERENCE in your overall success and your rental properties, CONTACT US TODAY FOR YOUR FREE ESTIMATE AND CONSULTATION WITH CMD CLEANING MEDICS