All in the name of JUSTICE and CONCERN the HONORABLE La Mesa Residents

All in the name of JUSTICE and CONCERN the HONORABLE La Mesa Residents

There was a great debate about publishing this article amongst my friends, confidants and those concerned. Some say it would draw unneeded attention to an already dwindling problem. My question to those friends was- “Is it dwindling though or are next steps being taken?” The other concern is the perception it would leave of the people involved. My response is to relay the account, knowing there are provable metrics, and that perception is reality for MOST and let the chips fall where they may. WHY? Telling may not be pretty. Telling may not flatter you, the ones involved or the public, but telling shines light in the darkness and bugs scramble when exposed (roaches). Some stay frozen like dear in headlights hoping you’ll not notice how awful it is that they are in a place they shouldn’t be doing something You know, and THEY know should not be done. However, silence implies approval. Silence implies I’m complicit. Silence means no light is ever provided. Silence supports everything I abhor: indifference, apathy, and a smug disregard for social justice and inclusion. So like Fannie Lou Hamer, who spoke, sang, and told it all- the best way she knew how; I’m going to write about it! Finally, I am choosing to publish this account because of my network of Social Workers, Attorneys Counselors, Law Enforcement Professionals, and others who know the realities of filing false reports in state of California; the need to investigate and secure the safety of victims and the importance of following proper protocols regardless of whom you are investigating.

The National Night Out was held on August 2nd it was promoted as a night that La Mesa Police and Officials would come out and meet the residents with “registered events.” One such event was held on the block of Cypress St. in La Mesa. Right next to downtown a small table was set up with modest refreshments, a little barbecue, and some drinks to cool the palette of those stopping by. Despite the efforts of one resident on the block, the turn out on the block was meager. She – a real estate professional with political ties and a passion for civic engagement, enlisted her brother to entertain and entertain with song he did.

The night was pleasant everyone gave the cordial vibes needed to meet and greet neighbors within reason. The La Mesa Police Captain stopped by; the La Mesa Lieutenant in charge of all the detectives stopped by; a Council Member stopped by and a city employee or two. All were smiles and politically correct as they connected, nibbled and/or kindly declined. The goal was to promote crime prevention in the neighborhoods. It was an admirable endeavor with an exceptional fatal flaw.

It was a front and all a lie. The reality not disclosed on the smiles of the La Mesa residents failed to reveal the sentiments underneath. Sentiments that would be confirmed by Law Enforcement’s future lack of due diligence and apathy towards accountability. That sentiment is best stated in an old Sesame Street Song, “One of these things is not like the others; one of these things just doesn’t belong here.” The explanation- however elementary is quite insidious. You see one house on this street has residents who are African American. One house.

Residents who reside with a retired 80-year-old. She is a retired Public Service Attorney, Social Worker, and Peace Advocate and my adopted loved one. During the 20 years she has lived in the neighborhood. She has had an immigrant living with her without proper papers and no person in the neighborhood said a word nor raised an eyebrow- including close relatives. Two Caucasian people lived in her cottage: despite city ordinances against such practices. Oh, one neighbor revolted and attempted to intervene, but this Senior stood her ground and kept the mindset: My property/ My rules! Well One of the cottage residents- a woman, stole $2000.00 from her. The other a Registered Sex Offender and Christian Science Practitioner swindled $5000.00 from her. None of the concerned citizens, neighbors or honorable law enforcement raised an eyebrow, came to investigate, or asked one question. How do I know? She remembers…

The following is the record of the Sesame Street designates in her life: renting the front house after it was repaired and cleaned from two other Caucasian renters ( a Tax Attorney and her husband) trashed the house, destroyed the kitchen, requiring a full renovation before some Sesame Street designates moved in and found the senior passed out on the floor in the back house and promptly got her to the hospital; moving from the east coast to the west coast after requested to be in the cottage; despite the revolts of neighbors who paid more attention because this cottage inhabitant had BLACK skin and did not belong! However, picking up the pieces after the $5000.00 was swindled from her and assisting her with viable activities, medical appointments; nursing her back to health after not one but three medical issues; moving her from her back house – filled with let’s say less than healthy elements- to the front house; cleaning the back house from top to bottom including hazardous wastes using his own money- then successfully renting it twice.

It seems petty to give an account or to have to give an account, but after three visits from Adult Protective Services (APS) – including a safety check from the La Mesa Police Department this testament is not only important, but as necessary as an account of the racial make-up of the previous inhabitants, renters, and the statements of those who have witnessed these actions over time. However, this question was never asked nor considered: What lengths would one go to claim the property of an elderly woman who embraced the support and love of a Black Man? Would you stoop to false allegations to try to have him charged with neglect? Would you accuse him of being a heroin addict? Would you pay a handy man to sabotage items on her property? Would you accuse him of theft? Would you accuse him of not paying the bills?

FACT: When we replaced the Water Heater the Contractor pulled out cardboard placed in a compartment that could have caught fire. I took pictures. The contractor signed a statement. That Handyman disappeared to Hawaii.

FACT: When the front wall of the back house flooded and damaged the walls by the front window; the contractor hired pulled steel wool stuffed into the pipes preventing the water from draining properly.  There was no need for extensive repairs; we just unclogged the pipe, removed the moisture, and replaced the drywall. I took pictures You guessed it; it was the same Handyman that moved to Hawaii.

FACT: That “Handyman” charged $60.00 a week to come and water once a weekend to take fruit for him to eat and use her plants to supplement other lawns he worked on. She trusted; I watched and made sure the hemorrhaging stopped.

FACT: If allegations existed that the electric bill was unpaid, why not contact SDG&E? Service at a particular address should be public information. Furthermore, with the heat we have had surely there would have been a medical emergency if an 80-year-old was subjected to such heat daily and malnourished. 

So, if I say racism makes you STUPID! I mean that!! The due diligence of basic investigation goes out the window when you are investigating Black people. The tale of Breonna Taylor should give us all we need to know about how Law enforcement will do the least- overstate, understate, and LIE when it comes to investigating people of color. Do you think neighborhood bigots would take advantage of that commonly known fact?  Who cares about the logical course of an investigation? He, She or They are Black and don’t deserve the dignity of that level of investigation.

Furthermore, Why would a genius Adult Protective Services (APS) worker ask an 80-year-old woman if her caregiver was on Heroin? What part of background check your subject after you’ve insured the safety of the potential victim is not part of investigations 101? Only then would you have an idea of whom you investigate. Hint APS worker: just because you don’t see the car of the alleged perpetrator does not mean that he or one of the potential perpetrators are not at home. The other Black male residing in the home could tell that the APS worker was taken aback to find him home and able to witness the inappropriate inquiry.

You have inadvertently compromised your safety because you did not follow protocols for proper investigations. How do I know, try looking me up on LinkedIn. I might know something about safety in the field. However, if racism makes you believe your perp is a heroin addicted, gambling addict who would be knocked out while an elderly lady languishes in feces in hot house filled with squander and dog poop; YOU would believe protocols are only used for Caucasian perps who are potentially dangerous.

Yes, poorly executed investigations make you appeal to low hanging fruit allegations and makes you an idiot investigator; a law enforcement professional invested in selective justice and a participant in the big National Night OUT LIE!  La Mesa’s Police truth: Justice excludes US- Black folk and I take issue with that. Lessons from the La Mesa Trolley incident: the public forgets; we go back to business as usual.  Lessons from settling suits from inappropriately shooting public protestors in the face with rubber bullets: the public forgets; we go back to business as usual.

In the end, I am grateful that an 80-year-old woman understood my anger and frustration as I lamented the accusations the APS worker alleged flippantly in his questioning. “Oh, that’s not what I heard.” What part of the training on interviewing potential victims of Elder abuse, suggests using such callous language. The investigator said to the senior in front of one the alleged perpetrators, a Sesame Street designate that is apparently taking advantage of her. I knew that the saving grace would be to publicize the account for all to see.

Once the officers did the safety check on the 80-year-old lady; they assured her, and I that they would communicate their findings to the APS worker. Those findings were supposed to be that: the lights were on; the senior was safe; the senior was fed, and the senior was not harmed. The officers did not do a basic mental status exam to make sure the senior was oriented times four and able to correctly attest to her well-being. Peace Officers in the State of California can do that because Peace Officers can write a 5150. It stands to reason that the mental status exam should have been a part of the safety evaluation. Why would you evaluate any person about their safety and be unsure of their orientation to time, place, and overall state of being IF establishing their awareness of safety is YOUR goal? Especially, if you are taking the victims word on their stability and well-being. 


I asked to speak to Sergeant on duty because I knew what these officers called, an investigation was lack luster and improper. I needed to know why and what the true motivation for their presence was. The officer investigating delayed, made excuses and did not want to call the Sergeant. It was more of the same mentality, but I would not relent in my request. Once the Sergeant arrived, he to stated they would relay to the APS worker his findings. The APS worker came the following day while I was at work! So, when I ask is it dwindling? I ask with Breonna Taylor experience, because believe it or not THAT is ANYTOWN, USA and provably La Mesa, California. Is it tragic that we need the JUSTICE DEPARTMENT to impact real justice for us locally after local law enforcement has acted with implicit and explicit bias and bigotry yielding to its residents?  The reality is stranger than fiction. Unfortunately, none of this is about neglect, gambling, the mistreatment of a senior or the concern for her safety. This is all about the property at 4850 and 4852 Cypress St.  It’s all about controlling who lives in the neighborhood Sesame Street simplicity: “One of these things is not like the others; One of these things just doesn’t belong here.” My answer: Tough titty said the kitty, but the MILK is still GOOD!!




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